Emperor Isabel Rodorian II Character in The Void | World Anvil
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Emperor Isabel Rodorian II

Empress Isabel Seluvius Gabriella Anette Julia Rodorian, The Dutiful

Ruling between 8E 137-176, Emperor Isabel Rodorian II known as the 'Dutiful' ruled over the Aesalian Empire overseeing a wave of bureaucratic reforms that increased transparency of offices and began the Pirate War within the system.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born biologically as a grandaughter of her predescesor, Emperor Gaius Rodorian, Isabel was bred to be scientifically raised with an intended academic focus into medicine. Though capable in the field and under tuition developing a keen understanding of the biological condition of her peers Isabel showed a far greater interest in the body of the state. Publishing her first thesis at the age of 19 Isabel engaged in a career of bureacratic reformation on Aesalia seeking to reduce unecessary regulation and increase transparency for the population.   These reforms would prove highly effective slowly expanding from a single state to the entire planet leading to her appointment to the Council of Thirteen as Minister of the Interior. Here she began a series of reforms increasing the civil liberties of residents while empowering law enforcement to crack down on those in violation of the law.   Following the assassination of Emperor Gaius Rodorian the Council of Thirteen overuled his recomended heir in favour of Isabel at a vote of 7 to 6. Her susbequent approval by the legislative bodies was similarly divisive with several leaders arguing that she was an inapropriate and 'inexperienced' choice. On ascension however she quickly devoted herself to expanding her initial Aesalian reforms to the entire system before focussing her attention on the growing threat of the United Brethren Fleets.   Unshackled by domestic policy Isabel allowed the @pira to be fought by the Imperial Navy with relative impunity expanding their rights to search ships and disarm or confiscate vessels suspected of supporting criminal factions. The creation of the self-defence fleets of the colonies also furthered the war eliminating the means to hide in distant sectors only to emerge for hit and run attacks.   Isabel would not see the end of the war however sucumbing to death during an operation to remove a tumour in 8E-176. Her reign is widely viewed as a modernising moment for the state and one that set the scene for the rise of nationalist movements within the outer colonies.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Started the Pirate War 
  • Authorised the creation of the Corenthis colony
  • Oversaw major bureaucratic reform
  • Allowed creation of colonial self-defence fleets
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
9th Tatham
Date of Death
21st Marvos
103 176 73 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Biological Birth
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
She / Her

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