Pandalin Station Settlement in The Void | World Anvil
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Pandalin Station

Class Trading Station
Diameter 0.57km
Gravity 0.3g
Length of Day (1 Rotation) 24 Imperial Standard Hours (Artificial Light Cycle)
Length of Year (1 Orbit) No Orbit
Atmospheric Pressure None
Atmospheric Composition N/A
Temperature (Degrees Celsius) 15 (average)
Ruling Government Confederation of Guilds
Capitol Arboreal Sector


Human 86%
Dwume 5%
Elman 4%
Orman 2%
Gorman 3%
Beastfolk 0%
Aesalian 19%
Voi'yar 67%
Datrisi 6%
Tovranite 1%
Corenian 7%
Tathamite 48%
Ederic 13%
Athiest 39%


Pirate Control
  • Operated by a admiralty board of the most powerful members of the United Brethren Fleets.
  • Strongest among the admiralty acted as the ruler taking the title of Rodor Voi'yar or Rodorian-in-Space
  • Ships pledged themselves to more successful pirates becoming part of their 'fleet' and increasing the voting power of the admiral on the admiralty board.
  • Authority of the admiralty enforced by its crews.
  Guild Control


Though initially lacking defences Pandalin was upgraded under the control of the United Brethren Fleets with several automated turrets able to fire missiles and projectiles. Most of these have been deactivated and removed following the Battle of Pandalin Station due in part to the immense power demands of their activation. The station has however been left with some basic defences in the event of a return of the pirates or another unknown threat.


  • The first of its kind, Pandalin uses a mico-gravity sphere at its centre to generate 0.3g of spin gravity in its outer ring
  • A railway network travels around the ring at regular intervals to allow for fast movement.
  • Arboreal district provides both a source of plant-based air recycling and air filtration through mechanical means.
  • Several dockyards operate to allow the departure from and arrival of ships. 


  Arboreal District
Nicknamed 'The Lungs' by locals the Arboreal District is the administrative and life support centre of the station. The only part of the station with soil in the ground, trees are planted through the Arboreal District contributing part of the life support requirements of the facility. Beneath the soil and connected to a series of air vents and filtration centres throughout the station are a network of centres that filter and modify the air and soil to ensure survivability.

  The Arboreal District also houses all adminsitrative structures and centres within the station including the office of the Station Manager. Residential flats within the district are highly sought after and often afforded to those the Confederation of Guilds wishes to win favour with.

  The Arboreal District was entirely reconstructed following the Battle of Pandalin Station. The district was neglected during the United Brethren Fleets' ownership in part due to lack of expertise and in part due to lack of interest.

Ortega Row
A generally tidy district Ortega Row hosts the theological institutions of the station including a church, an Ederic shrine and a barracks for stationed Templars . These stadiums were largely used for unlicensed bloodpsorts during the pirates tenure but the return of imperial rule has seen it flourish. Control of this district is largely in the hands of the Imperial Tathamite Church who manage their own security.

  The Laramai Spaceport in Ortega Row primarily manages trade to and from Tovanron or by Tovranite captains.

Taika Town
A largely comercial district, Taika Town and its connected Rolan Docks were a hub for smugglers during the pirates ownership of the station. Now it serves as a black market den where both the stores and the large market square at its centre trade goods whose origins is left largely to interpretation.

Keisu Town
A largely comercial district with several pop-up casinos and drug dens Keisu Town is a place the law tend to avoid. With the largest residential area on the station Keisu possesses the houses that are replaced by stalls in Taika. It's absence of comerce however has led to its developing a significant prostitution industry many of whom operate out of their homes.

  The Lazero Docks in Keisu are the main docks for visitors and travellers seeking voyage off the station. A large board shows all registered vessels departing with their destination and average travel fare.

Ndoro District
A criminal nest where many of the homes and residences have been converted into casinos to pilfer wealth off those leaving its main casino. Ndoro was once intended to be a sporting hub for the station though many of its excess gyms found new purpose during the pirates rule. Ndoro town hosts the only ampitheatre in the station which is managed by the casino.

  The Selawassi Docks have no fixed designation so are often used as a storage point for residents to leave their own ships. Many smaller rock-hopers also use this dockyard for routine repairs while they spend their credits at the casino.

Panetov Village
Second only to Keisu Town in its residential capacity Panetov once offered larger family sized flats against Keisu's single room housing. Under the pirates the 'village' became a major narcotics hub with many of the 'family houses' serving as laboratories for the creation and distribution of narcotics.

  The Laneski Docks are primarily comercial in nature and lack the means to provide any major repairs to the ships that dock within it. Instead the dock prefers to unload their wares and send them on to another of the more capable docks.

Kovax Avenues
The main industrial district of the station, the Kovax Avenues possess both refineries, fabricators and forges to produce all the needed goods to maintain the station and its residents needs. During the pirate occupation these were used almost entirely to produce ship parts and arms.

  The Kapechi Docks have become the headquarters for the Imperial Navy on Pandalin. Using it as a headquarters for further anti-piracy action and as a safety against any attempted insurrection the district is kept under quasi-martial law.
Interior Images of Pandalin at its Initial Opening


Like most stations Pandalin enjoys an artifical climate kept at between 12-18 degrees dependent on the needs of its residents and the demands of life support. Different districts can be altered to have different temperatures with intense frost being used as a riot control measure if necessary.    Artificial skylights create an illusion of a ceiling for those present within it that follows the day/night cycle of Aesalia. Seasonal changes to the roof lightings also occur to celebrate special holidays.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Kesper Station
Orbital, Station
Inhabitant Demonym
Kespen / Pandan
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Vehicles Present

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