Tatham's Arm Shipyards Organization in The Void | World Anvil
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Tatham's Arm Shipyards

Public Agenda

Owned in its entirity by the Tovranite Colonial Government the Tatham's Arm Shipyards produces vessels for pilgrims at discounted rates to encourage the spreading of faith through the galaxy. In a suprise move the company that had almost entirely produced licensed ships left the Confederation of Guilds in 8E-181. Though the shipyards seemed largely in decline the revelation of the Taktuq Drive in 8E-185 then led to their modification of ships in their ports. Then their first new vessels in half a century were released first with the Merric Class Shuttle and then the Davorko Class Frigate whose utilisation of a stealth drive represented a major, if discreet breakthrough in technology.


The maintained licenses of the Tatham's Arm Shipyards are:

With Faith We Fly

Founding Date
Corporation, Aerospace
Manufactured Items
Related Ethnicities

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