Tovanron Settlement in The Void | World Anvil
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Class Gas Giant
Diameter 142,984km
Gravity 2.528g
Length of Day (1 Rotation) 11 Imperial Standard Hours
Length of Year (1 Orbit) 5286 Imperial Standard Days
Atmospheric Pressure 200-600 kPa
Atmospheric Composition 89% Hydrogen, 10% Helium, 0.3% Methane, 0.03% Ammonia, 0.67% Other Gasses
Temperature (Degree Celsius) -185 (average)
Ruling Government Tovranite Colonial Government 


Though the main planet of Tovanron is a gas giant its numerous surounding moons are fertile ground for colonisation. It is on these that the Tovranite Colonial Government has settled with various religious communes possessing their own moons to practice their faith upon and harvest for minerals.
2.5 Billion
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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