Taktuq Drive Item in The Void | World Anvil
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Taktuq Drive

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Taktuq engine represented a major yet discretely unveiled development in military technology. It integrates with a Dosterich Engine and the ships sensors scrambing any nearby vessels to conceal the ships drive fumes, transponder, and other recognisable features until all that is left is a faint shape. The shape is then altered to appear instead as a piece of floating debris or a passing asteroid.   The complexity of the drive lies in the careful calculations and burst of frequencies on a range of channels that make this manipulation near impossible to identify. The engine also manipulates camoflauge panels along the ships exterior to reflect the alternate side captured through a series of microscopic cameras.


Only recently discovered the Taktuq drive came from a demand by the Tovranite Colonial Self-Defence Force to create a means for pilgrams to safely travel without need to engage in combat protocals. With the Templar Order possessing several warships of their own the Tovranite Colonial Navy wished for an atlernate type of vehicle pioneering the stealth technology.
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