Templar Order Organization in The Void | World Anvil
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Templar Order

The military wing of the Imperial Tathamite Church the Templar Order is one of the oldest continuous serving military organisations surviving the 6th Age through a single isolated chapter. With loyalty to the Imperial Tathamite Church and not the Emperor of the Aesalian Empire the Templars act as a major part of the balance of power between church and state desires. The Templar Order maintains both naval and military forces operating throughout the empire to protect the clergy and persecute its enemies.   The Templar Order are also responsible for significant charitable endeavours and often take the roll of de facto police in more lawless communities with a notable church presence. They initially served this and a military role for the Tovranite Colonial Government until the formation of the Tovranite Colonial Self-Defence Force. They do still maintain a significant presence on the colony but instead focus on teh wider aims of the faithful.

Tatham Guides Our Blades

Founding Date
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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