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The Greywood Forest

The Greywood lies at a unique intersection of mountains which promotes cloudy skies, persistent rain, and a pervasive mist. Many dark and hidden places exist in this part of the world, as do many forces that try to fight the monsters back. Most famously, The Scarlet Eye uses Whitechapel as their headquarters, and regularly sends small armies into the woods to try and fight the darkness within.  


  Whitechapel was once considered the gate to Mulhessen for much of the north. Today, it is best known for being the primary stronghold of the Scarlet Eye. The Scarlet Eye's current goal is to rid the Greywood of undeath, a quest complicated by the many necromancers who operate within.  


  Bridgeway lies at the edge of the Greywood Forest at the beginning of a large range of cliffs. Many who come from The Amber Sea purchase weapons and guides here, to help them through to the other side of the dark forest.   From here, one can also get to the bottom of the cliffs, known by many as the Gravepools.  


  A small town deep in the Greywood Forest. Tales abound of dark omens in the forest, strange travelers, and terrifying Scarlet Inquisitors.


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