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The Amber Sea

The Southern edge of the Thunder Peaks range was once full of promise and wealth. A generation of explorers sent expeditions high into the mountains, seeking both new veins of valuable metals and old abandoned mines (and the valuable trinkets hidden within). Travelers found easy passage westwards by taking the Amber road. Those who didn't trust to chance could work as farmers in the surrounding grassy plains.   This hub of wealth founded Mulhessen.   In the past 200 years, however, the veins have run dry, and the many farmers and miners soon became disorderly. This came to a violent crescendo in 1386 as House Aubirrel of Exaltia deposed House Dallard and sacked the city. With so many of its amenities destroyed, travelers soon preferred the increasingly less risky northern path west through Ordulin.   Today, with Selgaunt driving trade through the Sea of Fallen Stars, most people have taken to farming to support themselves. Mulhessen remains a ruin, but the locals have rebuilt a confederation of villages to offer some semblance of order.  


  North of Mulhessen once lay several small mining towns. At the time, The Ambervale was rich in gold, but ran dry almost 200 years ago. Today, it is a collection abandoned mining equpiment and pervasive rumors of cursed souls.  


  Much of Mulhessen's economy today depends upon farming, and Bounty acts as a hub for the regions farmers.  

King's Cross

  King's Cross was once a popular trading stop on the way to Mulhessen. Today, it acts as a small garrison for Exaltian soldiers, a cruel reminder of what was once taken from the Amber Sea.  


  (see Mulhessen )   Once a powerful mining city, the royal Dallard house suffered a war of succession after the mines ran dry. House Aubirrel of Exaltia sent the military to intervene, but King Achenar Aubirrel ordered the military to stop short and await the conflict to resolve itself. The Dallard armies depleted, King Achenar ordered the military to raze the city. Today it is a collection of small farming towns scattered amongst the ruins of the city, mixed with adventurers who intend to break into forgotten city vaults.  


  Prosper was once a vital trade route to Two Rivers. As time went on, many things in the town decayed, including the bridge. With Mulhessen destroyed and the town afflicted with a mysterious illness, it was never restored to its former glory.  


  Soren was once the home of the Mulhessen elite's country estates. While many fled after the sacking of Mulhessen, a few stayed, seeking to restore their home to its former glory. Today, Soren acts something like the capital of the region, with the influential preferring to meet here than in the sprawling decay of Mulhessen.  

Tarren Hill

  The Exaltian military rarely intevenes in the Amber Sea, leaving the villages to protect themselves against attacks by orcs and giants and witches and worse. One group, Garath's Fist, took control of Tarren Hill years ago, and now uses it as a base of operations against the wild.


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