Ade's Own

Ade's Own.png
by Azgaar

Gen. Demographics

Total Pop: ~250   Human Stats (As Human Mercenary)
60% of the unit are lizard riders
Heavies: 1 - 15
Hirelings: 16 - 50
Light: 51 - 65
Rascals: 66 - 70
Seconds: 71 - 74
Sharpshooters: 71 - 74
Vanguards: 75 - 99
Captains: 1

Nations Breakdown

Vipling 1 - 40
Minion 41 - 70
Rhone 71 - 85
Freslorf (Pfaets) 86 - 94
Ingsdt (Knach) 95 - 99
Other: 100

Religion Breakdown

The Minions have no religion so only roll for humans   Ancestor Cult 1 - 85
The Brotherhood 86 - 99
Other: 100

Leaders & Hierarchy

  • Led by 'Warlord' Ade
  • Second-in-Command Faikluc
  • Relationships

  • Regularly deals with monsters
  • Minions
  • Grunzen
  • Treasures

  • Identifying Features & Costumes

  • Members

    Related Locations


    ~ 6 - 10 OI Vipling Peasants' Revolt
    Generic article | Jul 7, 2024
  • 'Warlord' Ade refused to listen and was overthrown and exiled
  • 30 OI - Enlisted to fight along grunzen in Wisthulz
  • where they joined with a Minions cohort

  • Cover image: by Azgaar


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