Barony of Ingsdt

by Azgaar



Head(s) of State

  • Foresitter Jakub
  • Overlord(s)

  • Duke Bo Duchy of the Middle Sea
  • Vassals

  • Demographics

    Gen. Demographics

    Total Pop: 88,334
    Hexes: 12
    Pop Density (sq mile): 85
    Pop / Hex: 7,361
    Largest City: Rarcheib
    Capital: Ingsdt

    Nation Breakdown

    Ingsdt (Knach) 50%
    Entaufha (Pfaets) 15%
    Welb (Pfaets) 10%
    Other: 10% Hiewia (Knach) 5%
    Freslorf (Pfaets) 5%
    Kiend (Lussk) 5%

    Religion Breakdown

    Other Brotherhood 45%
    The Inquisition (The Brotherhood) 35%
    Other: 15%
    Cult of the Cat 3%
    Cult of the Father 1% (80% chance if a member of the University)
    Cult of the Bird 1%


    These are aspects and elements that you can blend and remix when working with this culture:

    Angels & Devils

    You get extremes amongst the Ingsdt  

    The Great Game

    Corruption but nobody wants to sink the boat  

    Outsized Influence

    The Ingsdt are everywhere, mainly as mercenaries.  


    Cover image: by Azgaar


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