Altar of Ikkora Zxyrosha

by Goran Gligovic


On the east side of river.   It stands on on a cliff that that looks on the den of Ikkora Zxyrosha the Swallower of Tombs (as depicted above).  

Area Effects

Anyone within sight of the altar becomes sicks, taking 1 Stress per hour.  

Regional Map

North Wisthulz

Table of Contents



The Busibarin and Huhlinilfin cross the river on the new moon to perform a joint ritual meant to appease Ikkora Zxyrosha the Swallower of Tombs.

Crow Killers

The Crow Killers completely avoid the area. The Crow Killers will also warn people away from the area warning that it will make you mad.


The Huchlandichsin completely avoid the area.


The Busibarin and Huhlinilfin cross the river on the new moon to perform a joint ritual meant to appease Ikkora Zxyrosha the Swallower of Tombs.

Cover image: by Goran Gligovic


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