Crow Killers

Hideout   kidnapping They're related High-level captain   Lead by The Devil Hinroitti   They're actively raided by the Busibarin who steal their members to eat if they don't supply them with slaves to eat instead.   In an active turf war with the Huchlandichsin over the best fishing spots on the river.   They will sell people they kidnap to the Blytschnayzin   They frequently attack the Iron Tribe and Raven Gang for slave sto sell to the Busibarin and use their good relations with the Blytschnayzin to protect them from reprisals.   The Crow Killers are kill on sight for the Iron Tribe   The Crow Killers are looking for a way to shut off the Drumming Peaks because it keeps them up at night.   Hrudylf's Spike serves as neutral ground for the Raven Gang and the Iron Tribe and very occasionally the Crow Killers


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