
lizardfolk pygmies   A Clan of 2 Chieftains, 2 Froglets, 6 Quagapoks, 2 Swampwogs, 7 Trapohaks, 6 Wallerbahks, and 2 Weiah'huuks   Exiles and heretics from Hurnblasir. They know the secret that the horn controls the Seedrache. They worship Damkina instead.   They're lead by Shaman Yosk.   They don't attack the Huhlinilfin unless they're desperate for food and supplies.   Bullied by the Busibarin who they send weak and sick members to to be eaten.   They're in an active turf war with the Crow Killers due to fighting over the best fishing spots in the river.   They're actively hunted by warbands from the Tiefeschuppen who're sent by the Hurnblasir to punish the heretics. They only survive due to being sneak and evasive and they lead the warbands into bands of Blytschnayzin.   Will occassionally send diggers to Mud Henge. The mud is believed to be infused with the tears of Damkina which gives power to those that smear it on their body.


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