Guildhall of Beasts

  Mace Krostoni avoids this place.  


A two-story building, mostly comprised of wood with a southern tower.


Covered Yard

Serves as an open eating area during Summer & Fall.   Every day there is a new 'kill of the day', representing what the hunters have brought in. This is cooked over an open fire in the middle of the covered courtyard.   One day of food costs 1 sc unless you've brought in a kill that month, in which case it's 1 cc.   Backplate Just is often found here (2-in-4 chance), drinking and eating. He'll buy food for anyone who he likes; ie, anyone who will listen to him claim he could have been a grand adventurer but his family commitments kept him here.
Roll Kill of the Day
1 Boar
2 - 6 Squirrel
7 - 8 Rabbit
9 - 12 Deer



Used for cold storage.

First Floor


Second Floor

Where the hunters stay while in town, to rest and recover.
Dry Storage


Where meats are smoked.

Cover image: by Carlos Vera


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