Mace Krostoni

Knach Locha Kystinlagira Brynholder Mace Krostoni
Master of Kystinlagir

Quick Reference

(Fatigue) Vitality: ( ? ) ?
(Panic) Stress Threshold: ( ? ) ?
Caution: ?


  • Forward
  • Angry
  • Social Climber
  • Injuries

  • Reputation

  • Goals

  • Convictions

  • There is power in one person
  • Relationships

  • Wants to defend Kystinlagir
  • Holds a vendetta against the Black Brothers
  • They make shipping to Prensuchdt a living hell
  • Gives to Kystinlagir
  • Flaws

  • Burdens



  • Married to Backplate Just, son of Blindwolf Ditliv and brother to Lefthand Friya
  • Equipment

  • Enchanted item

    Other Info

  • Link to full Character Sheet here
  • Age: ?
  • Leader of the the Fishes
  • Related to the The Brynholders via marriage

  • History


    Cover image: by Carlos Vera
    Character Portrait image: by Carlos Vera


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