
Pitir Ickihard Liutgor Ditliv   Kienda Auxiliaries   5,411 89 2,218 3,327 Largest City Area (acre) Dwellings Buildings



  • ~11 - 15 OI - Steward Welba Adrean sets out to fortify the settlement of Ichall, expanding the harbor and upgrading its fortifications. He sets the architect Rylscha Pitir to the job. The construction is initially halted due to the fens around Ichall but Pitir is able to build dykes and stilted houses and soon overcomes it, finishing with the Vaulted Hall - the waterborn bulwark of the settlement. Steward Adrean than passes command of the stronghold to his cousin, Mienhard.


  • Founded by the refugees from Welb
  • A port was built to connect it with its oversea colony
  • What would later become known as the Days of Red Streets, open violence between Cat and Bird erupted in the streets of Welb. Started with the killing of Good Pharaeldes, the two sides quickly escalated the violence until there were several days of cult purges. When order was restored by Steward Wylfhram, the Cats seemed to have the upper hand


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