Ilfin dis Tals

Camp Elves of the valley   Elves A Clan of 3 Binders (1 Unique), 2 Dancers, 1 Dervish, 5 Fencers (1 Unique), and 2 Fliers 156 non-combatants   Lead by Dervish Hala   The Ilfin dis Tals actually get on really well with the Doom Axes. They maintain a good relationship due to the fast friendship between the Doom Axes' leader, Cousin Nathaloi, and the elves' leader, Dervish Hala, after Cousin Nathaloi saved his life.   The Rat Tribe has tried to flip the Ilfin dis Tals to be against the Doom Axes but have been prevented from doing so by their close friendship.   The Ilfin dis Tals were the ones to kill Grosser Jun's wife


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