Doom Axes

Hideout   A Clan of 3 Captains, 14 Guards, 9 Looters, 6 Patrollers, 6 Reavers, 12 Scouts, and 12 Thugs   Highway robbery They're related   Lead by Cousin Nathaloi   They pay the Blue Bows a small fee to pass through their territory on their way to people in the Meedt lowlands via the Meedt Tunnel but they prefer pilgrams going to the Firdt Lake Shrine.   The Ilfin dis Tals actually get on really well with the Doom Axes. They maintain a good relationship due to the fast friendship between the Doom Axes' leader, Cousin Nathaloi, and the elves' leader, Dervish Hala, after Cousin Nathaloi saved his life.   The Doom Axes use the Rat Tribe to get information that they can use against the Thirty-One Spears in their perpetual turf war.   The Rat Tribe has tried to flip the Ilfin dis Tals to be against the Doom Axes but have been prevented from doing so by their close friendship.   The pilgrams and monks of the Far Abbey and the Firdt Lake Shrine are the main targets of the Doom Axes   Whenever possible, the Doom Axes also target grunzen traveling to the Temple of the Pig   The Doom Axes perform their marriage ceremonies at the entrance of Loibhabirhytti   The enemy of my enemy isn't my friend as the Mottlirischnayzin and the Doom Axes demontrate; these two also fight over territory.   Sometimes Grosser Jun comes down from his homestead to trade with the Doom Axes when he really needs something.   The Thirty-One Spears generally leave the grunzen traveling to the Temple of the Pig alone because it puts the weight of taking care of them on the Doom Axes.


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