Last Chance Tavern



A mean little place, made of stone and set into the ground. The roof is in such shambles that no chimney is needed: the smoke just escapes through the gaps in the thatch.


Just as dank and leaky and the outside implies but at least there are a number of fires, scattered about the hall, that fend off some of the cold.


It is a good luck charm that, if you're going to adventure some where, that you carve your name or symbol into the lintel and then, if you make it back, to strike your name out. More names remain than are struck.   Himbort is a permenant resisdent of the tavern. He is a Collector who watches for people putting up their name to collect their stories and who, if they're gone for too long, tries to track down their ultimate fates.

Staying the Night

There are no rooms to stay in but you can sleep in the main room for 1 cc


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