
pushed its right against it capital The rumor is that the Cult of the Father has found its way into the court of Wollsch. Certain members of the court, once opposed to Countess's lover, Hyrtmot, now seem to be all for the young lady. Strangers swarm the court. Baron Locher Wulfhard is looking to reconsolidate power, returning Hugu to the fold, however, that would take reestablishing reliable roads between the Loch heartland and the Stronghold and his coffers are empty so he starts a project to expand fishing in the west sea to bring additional cash. It is largely successful.   Invasions: yuhen   Home turn of The Ragonawalders   Locha Secret Police presence   Minor Religion Cult of the Father (Dominant in the Court)   Current controlled by the steward, who is the brother of Baroness Illo  
by Azgaar


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