
Fantastic pheonomon / tribe   Highway robbery Charismatic leader Special Knowledge A Clan of 4 Guards, 1 Hellion, 1 Lord, and 2 Scouts (1 Unique) 40 non-combatants   They always have a scout watching the Cross of Holda to track supply caravans and travels so they know which ones to hit.   The Zaybirilfin's special knowledge is how to cloak themselves and communicate with the draugr in the Deadman's Tower and will use that information to disguise themselves as undead raiders coming and going from the tower.   The Zaybirilfin are activitely hated and hunted by the people of Kynobirtheim for the attacks the elves make on them.   The soldiers of Vurbiogihin think little of the Zaybirilfin assuming them to be weak and cowardly. They're unaware that the elves have been disguising themselves as undead and attacking their caravans.


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