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Elora Moonshine



Aquitance (Trivial)

Towards Elora Moonshine



Elora Moonshine


Towards Lucca



Elora Moonshine helped kill the beast that had killed one of her horses during Looking for buttercup

I am a collector of exotic herbs and plants and specialize in salves and other cure-alls.

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Granny needs Basilisk Blood

Ella sent me a post that says she needs a sample of basilisk blood and saliva to experiment with on some new potions. I gather Qissa and Eileen and we go down to Dovan's Ferry and ask around. They point us to some old ruins and we are attacked by giant snakes. We fight them off and go into a crypt full of kobolds. Eileen convinces them that the basilisk isnt a dragon and we go and fight the basilisk and get lots of blood and saliva. We depetrify the two adventurers on the surface and they give us some gear and Eileen a magic broom stick. I got some crazy eyes from the basilisk for Igor.

The Decent into the Sunless Citadel

8-30-21 LeRoy, Ruby, Igor, Eilene, Elora. DM-Chase I enter into the sunless citadel and catch up to the party at a dragon statue deep within the chambers. I decide to play a trick on them and act like the great dragon and ask for gold. Eileen sees through it and ruins the fun. I identify magic in the room and the library and ask for a peen from igor to open a keyhole door in the back of the statue. It falls open when i whack it. It has alchemist fire and coins in it. I put the goblin peen in it and close the door back up. I wander into the library and find 2 scrolls. I huck an alchemist fire into the room with the dragon and nothing happens. We head down some stairs and i hear goblins. I ask Igor to translate and he says they are sorting plants. I open the door and announce that i can help by speaking to the plants. They attack me. We kill them and i tell the plants to not be naughty and stop grabbing me. They obliged. We encounter the grove tender and I notice the great tree with the Gulthias Tree Fruitss that my grandma needs. I ask for one and they say i have nothing they want for trade. So i tell them that I will show them how to cultivate a real forest and attack with spirit guardians. They die easy and i get 4 fruits.

The Curse of Badwater

We run into a group of zombiees and two brother zombies that are intelligent and can speak. We kill the dumb ones and track the talking ones to there house. They encounter Dorothy. She explains the curse. Elora thinks that Ella can help cure them of their undead curse.

Haunted Cheese Trouble in Dominia
May 1, 2021

We are hired by Guard Captain George in Port Dominia to investigate flying pans and weird attacks at the cheese factory just outside town. When sneak in and find a dead guy, runes on the milk cauldrons, freaky mold/mushrooms, and a second floor containing many cheese wheels and another dead guy. Igor makes fun of Tot stating that tortles are lactose intolerant and out of spite, Tot bites a big cheese wheel. The cheese wheel turns into a mimic and a fight ensues. A giant cheese golem stands up from the corpse on the ground and melts part of Igor's face off (causing permanent damage). We eventually slay the beasts and receive our 600gp total and 1000xp per player.   whomping willow ate a cheese monster

Vault of the Raven

Beadle has a quest to take the stone tablet to get it charged in a vault of the Raven. As we head up to the lake to find the vault, we see a catoblepas, a giant ungulate.Elora explains what it is and that they are generally harmless. We ride on and don't bother messing with it. We arrive at the vault temple and there is a raven guy outside. We send in Ruby to ask if we can go inside. His name is Steve, his master is Derrick. He joined the order to gain more knowledge about the Galdorian empire and magic. We enter the temple and there is an altar in the main room with a bowl of water. Vampire mist comes out and Elora casts turn undead. She accidentally makes Ruby run from her sexy fern shaking.She chases after her and hits her with a rock to shake her out of it. Elora notices that Steve had noped out but even with her tracking skills (29 survival) she didn't see any sign of him. We check a few rooms out, one has sarcophagi. We decided to skip this one for a bit. Ruby goes down a well and finds a chest. It was very dangerous. She finds a metal chest with big chains wrapped around it. We go into an altar room and find a place with a pedestal for the tablet. Beadle mage hands it to the pedestal. It hums and will o wisps come out and we fight them. The vampiric mist comes back and fucks up Elora. We defeat them and the tablet powers down. Seems okay. Beadle hears that Steve came back. We backtrack to a room we haven't been in and Elora finds a transaction journal for food. She takes it. We move back to the last room we haven't been in, Elora finds a book on Galdorian Mysteries that discusses various sites and has maps. She gives it to Beadle. She also feels a draft coming up from a makeshift carpet. Ruby climbs down into it and hears something inside stir. Mysterious chest, ring with a feather engraved on it, A book titled Galdorian Mysteries. 1140 XP per player. A Hook Horror crawls up after Ruby. We attack it. It lives up to its namesake. It hates sounds.   We kill it. Ruby goes down to investigate for loot. Ruby grabs one of its hooks and some parts. We open up the chest to find...broke ass sword- very fancy old sword. 2 vials of purple stone giants strength small silver rod (immovable rod). Beadle fixes the runes on the bowl altar. Elora sleuths out that Steve is a ghost. Steve Thermopolis is interred in the crypt here. The group leave gold coins on his tomb.

A fishing trip canceled
April 14th, 2021

We ran into a guy that spoke of an ice fishing contest up stream in a lake north of Dovan's Ferry. 500gp to the winners. A mage called Pelot?? was going to freeze the lake. We headed up stream on a boat with other competitors and were nearly ambushed by goblins. The goblins shoot the captain and an innocent bystander. LeRoy jumps in the water to save them with his goodberry chaw. A brave girl grabs an oar and attempts to aid us. Elora says that she needs to take cover and pass out goodberries if someone goes down. She is frightened and doesnt quite comprehend what Elora is saying and starts running up to us with goodberrys. We kill all the goblins except one that gets away. Elora opens a trapped chest and goes down. The brave girl saves her with a goodberry at the instruction of Grayson. The captain calls off the fishing competition for a later date.  

The Last Wall Inn Party

3-28-21 The Last Wall Inn Party DM: Chase Players: Elora, Igor, and Ruby. Ruby receives a note from Locca Deluth that included a decrepit invitation to a party at the Last Wall Inn. Locca says it would be right up Ruby’s alley. We decide to attend and it is at the witching hour. We are received by a spooky vampire looking lady and her Igor-like bodyguard. She welcomes us with our invitation and tells us of the bar, the card game, and the band. We go to the bar and Elora flirts up a handsome hairy dude with a similar accent. Other guests approach and are enamored with Ruby saying that they know her from some place. Victor (the drink guy) makes some chilling cocktails and mentions that there is ‘red’ in a fountain at the end of the bar for Ruby. Elora tries it and discovers its wine with bloodroot and not actual blood. Everything about this party starts to feel fake at that point. We head upstairs to the cards and Elora hears something in one of the rooms. She is attacked by a hand. She quickly shoves it in the bag of holding and asks Igor to look at something. Then there is a housekeeping voice on a door in the hallway and the card players egress downstairs. We search the floor and find nothing else. We go further upstairs and are attacked by a rug and a suit of armor. We head down to listen to more music and get more drinks. Ruby is asked to dance by Vlad. THey dance well and Igor and Elora dance poorly and are laughed at. We notice the hostess has disappeared along with a male guest. We track her down to tell her we are leaving and that it was a nice party but we discover she is a vampire and drinking the poor man dry. Not in a sexy way. We intervene and she gets away as a flying mist. We tell the bartender the conspiracy and he says she must have a place nearby with dirt of her homeland. We rush to the body guard who knows nothing and race outside to observe a carriage is missing. We follow and catch up to her. We kill her driver and her. We now have a fancy gothic carriage, 2 horses, a set of keys, and our lives.

Return to Thistlefoot to Fix the Trees

DM: Chase Players: Elora, Beadle, Igor, LeRoy, Ruby, and Sam. We are interested in the cave altar in Thistlefoot that the Raven dressed barefoot spooky monk guy (Jeff the evil wizard?). Beadle is nervous about going back so Elora gives him a healing potion. Its brown green pulpy with purple glittery undertones. He is suspicious and asks about the pulp, I tell him the flavor is not typical, its purple flavored. Purple Drank! Beadle has a saddled dog. Elora buys a health potion from Mira (Mira's Wonders) She gets a 10% discount. We head out into Thistlefoot past the loggers and into the old growth part. We move stealthily and all the natural forest sounds are gone. It is quieter than last time. No animals. Chuckesby goes to a tree and sees a moss monster and continues searching.The moss attacks us. There are 3 of them. We knock them down and two of them try to get back up. The ones that are tree like more than mossy. After much knocking trees down and them regenerating, Beadle was able to keep them from regenerating with firebolt. Elora casts Detect Poison and Disease as a ritual and shakes a branch of yew leaves over plants and the water. The plants recoil and turn decayed but the water seems unaffected. Beadle smokes some grass and casts detect magic. He sees long tendrils of sickly auras that are touching the diseased plants. It is transmutation magic aura. It appears to be growing.We follow the disease to the cave where the gnolls were guarding before. There are some weird briars that don't seem right. We are attacked by twig blights, vine blights and a bigger spookier ones. 4 twig blights, 2 vine blights, and 2 needle bright. The Twig Blights go down. The rest are dispatched. We attempt to rest and a Quaggoth Spore Servant attacks mid rest. We kill it. We head into the caverns and find the altar has sprouted a spooky vine monster! We kill the shambling mound!

Starfall Aliens

Date: March 13, 2021. GM: Chase Players: Elora, Eilene, Qissa, Sunny, Fabrice. We meet in Dovans Ferry, Eilene and I. We are looking for a group to travel with us to Starfall to collect ore. We arrive at Starfall to see several spires of smoke, dark black smoke, rising from the crater. We see 2 orc dragging a body away. Eilene yells at him and they begin to flee. Elora notices a large slash across his face. We allow them to flee. We head down a path into the crater and are jumped by fossilized velociraptors. They keep knocking Qissa down. Elora and Fabrice are enlarged by Eilene and fight on. We kill the fossils (5) and the skin they rapidly grew, decays into rock and they become fossils again. Fabrice finds a trap door in the ruins of a building. He heads down because there might be treasure. We head down and Eilene discovers a body clothed in Galdorean clothing. The remnants are interesting. Fabrice spies a mushroom and Eilene moves closer to investigate it. A death burst mushroom tries to sploosh on Eilene. She thankfully has a lot of other drugs in her system that the death burst would have to really fight her system to kill her. Further inside Fabrice is jumped by a stalactite. We kill the stalactites. Elora gives Qissa and Fabrice healing potions to keep them going. We continue on and run into spiders! The web has a dead orc in it. There are webs everywhere. 3 spiders come out of nowhere and drop down and paralyze Fabrice.We kill them and loot the corpses in the webs to find loot. 2500 cp, 1000 sp, 100 gp, Azurite (10 gp), Banded agate (10 gp), 2 x Blue quartz (10 gp), Eye agate (10 gp), Hematite (10 gp), Obsidian (10 gp), 2 x Rhodochrosite (10 gp), Turquoise (10 gp) Potion of Superior Healing (rare, dmg 187).3 lbs of starfall ore. Enough to make 3 weapons or shields. Dust of Sneezing and Choking. Eilene sees a statue of some sort in the water. Elora and Sunny attempt to see what the rock thing is but we don't recognize anything about it. We see it is another alter when Fabrice investigates. It is missing the orb. We surface and head toward the smoke. Elora finds a pound of ore. She suggests that Eilene shoot a ray of frost at one of the heat boulders. It hits and an animated suit of armor stands up from it.We kill the 2 suits of armor. We disassemble the armor plates and get platinum from them. We get 5 lbs of platinum off of these and that's about 50 platinum. Elora runs to grab bits of ore that Eilene froze, she gets 8lbs. They are cool instantly once they are detached from the hot part. The inside is purple crystal. We get an additional 4 lbs. So we split up 3 lbs each. We head back to the horses and set up camp and a watch. The night goes smoothly and in the morning we head back to Dovan’s Ferry. 100XP for Velociraptors. 60XP for Piercers 60XP for Spiders. 120XP Armor 340XP total per player.

Shadowfall Manor Needs Assistance with Giant Beasts

GM: Kyle Players: Keith, Bonni, Kevin, Kat, Chase, Me   "Assistance wanted at Shadowfell Manor: Feral animals coming down from The Ashkeeper Peaks have been an increasing disturbance. They have a distinct aura about them and have been acting... peculiar. We are willing to pay out gold to anyone willing to thin out the beasts. We also offer a reward for anyone who comes to us with information leading to the cessation of these beasts. Inquire at Shadowfell Manor, in the clearing OUTSIDE of the walls in the front, there you will receive further information."   We get to the clearing and meet two hunters that are interested in the ad. A man comes out and says that he will offer 20gp per animal killed and notices that Ruby is here. We stay in the fancy creaky castle.LeRoy is so excited about staying in the fancy place but Grayson is a little on edge. The night passes uneventfully. We clamber up the mountain and Elora nearly falls, Grayson catches her. We start following some big goat tracks that might be the animal type we are hunting. We sneak up on them. There are 3 big goats, 3 vultures, and 4 spiders. Ruby hasnt seen any goats, spiders, or vultures get to this size. She says they normally dont get this big because the werewolves eat them. Elora finds more tracks going up the hill. The path is getting very difficult, the air gets colder, heavy snow falls. We come to a river with two giant elks that are super aggressive. We kill the 2 elk and then two bears cross the stream and their eyes become yellow. We kill the two bears. I need to head back to town, to check in with grandmother, so I leave a bit early.

Mushroom Hunt

Date: March 7, 2021. Who played: Elora, Igor, Ruby. My grandmother has sent me on a quest to find a large list of unique plants for her potion shop. We come across a potion creator, a young human alchemist with a witch hat, that has got herself into a mess making a love potion that backfired. Now we are needed to help her get out of this mess. We hunt down the ingredients she needs with the help of some nice miconids after we retake their cave to the underdark. 292xp during day for gnolls. 50xp for spraying people. Mushrooms and lampreys 167xp. I have a hat that is flowery that keeps you dry. A platinum dragon statue that gives you advantage on charisma checks with good aligned dragons. An angry tree attacks us on our way back to town. Bottle of blood from a angry tree.   83 xp merfolk 167xp centipedes 150xp angry tree  

Drum Beats in the Forest

Date: March 3, 2021. Who played: Elora, Sam, Igor, Eilene, LeRoy, Beadle. XP: XXX/player Summary: We are hired by Eilenes friend Rocca to help with the logging issue in the forest. Loggers heard drum beats in the forest and two disappeared and are scared. Rocca gives us 2 healing potions and 6 glowsticks which he calls sunsticks. We head out and are stealthy, and find a primordial moss that attacks us ( they are salamander shaped and the size of a horse). Elora tries to talk to it but it wasn't having it. We attack and kill them. Elora wants to cleanse the area with fire, but Beadle, Igor, Eilene, and LeRoy convince her that it might make the bad stuff aware that we are here. We hear drum beats in the distance and come across a camp of gnolls. We kill the one that is playing the drum and Sam goes over and starts playing a sick ass drum solo. Eilene listens intently and says that the ones in the cave have noticed that the drum beat is different. That's not the beat he's supposed to play. We kill the other gnoll. We find the skeletal remains of two loggers and 15cp. We begin piling tents up in the cave entrance to burn them out. Beadle uses Chuckssby to scout out the cave and gets the layout. Sam does another sick beat and we ambush 2 of them. One gets away and runs down the tunnel to signal danger to the others. The leader is rough and we drop a fire tent on him. We get damaged a lot but eventually overcome the hoard that comes out of the cave. Sam sings a song of short rest. Obtained a +1 shield.

Mining for Steelheart

Date: Feb 28, 2021. Who played: Elora, Sam, Igor, Ruby, LeRoy, Grayson. XP: 725/player Summary:Cooper "Dirty Ears" Steelheart knows of some mines up in the mountains and is looking for someone to go up and get the ore out. He wants 10%. He says that there are goblins infesting the mine by Advent. We head up to the mine and find that there are goblins in the mine, like the old man said, and they have a hostage. We kill them (2 hobs, 2goblins) except for 1goblin and release their captive. Sam found a fancy magic chest. The keys that open the jail cell dont open the chest. rounded, pickaxe, broom with broken, 20cp.The captured guys name is Tiny Wigsteo. He said he came in on a tip from the old man, but he didnt expect to run into the hobgolins (big ones). I figured I could sneak past some of the small ones and get back out with ores. Tiny can wield a dagger and is interested in gems. There is a healing potion and several gems worth 20gp of finely cut and 30gp uncut gems. Elora takes the healing potion. We look around and Igor reads a dwarvish inscription that says “Down: safety in numbers. Up: Get to work” We descend into darkness. Arrive at a minecart track. It smells moldy and damp here. 2 goblins carrying a sack of gems approach, Grayson throws a javelin from the dark. Ruby drops on him. We kill them. We move through the mines and kill more goblins. 12 goblins and 2 hob. 2 goblins jump off a minecart and detonate on Sam. They do 6d6 damage and Sam dies. The goblins also die. Elora helps Ruby up. Elora remembers that Sam had inspo and that he rolled both a nat 1 and a nat 20 when he rolled his dex save earlier. So Sam rolls his death saves. LeRoy shoves chew in Sam’s mouth and he awakens. We kill the last goblin. We get a cart full of red gems. Cart full of blue cloudy gems. Load them into Graysons cart.

Outside Advent at the Broken Nail Horse Ranch

Advent - missing horse quest @Eileen, @LeRoy, @Igor, @Ruby, and Elora. We are investigating the missing Buttercup (the horse) from the broken nail horse ranch. Eilene sees a wolf. Elora sees a tree that has black tar coming from it. She panics and takes a sample. Eilene says that it's supernatural . Mentions books she read and LeRoy said what in the hell is a book. She explains its sliced up trees with words on it. Elora freaks out. Continue on following the trail for another mile or so. We find buttercup dead. We mourn then get jumped by two vine blights. Elora is immediately knocked unconscious. Eilene uses shocking grasp and attacks. Igor stitches up Elora’s head and spares the dying. LeRoy stabs the one on Elora. Ruby uses her sword as well. Eilene gets knocked down as well. Igor stitches up Eilene. LeRoy kills one vine blight and rushes over to try to kill the other. Igor is able to sneak attack the vine and LeRoy stabs it and kills the last one. Igor cures Elora and she heals Eilene. Elora discovers that the horse had its throat clawed or bitten out. She picks up the trail and we head out. We found a weird grave yard like thing and found the monster. It is a winged clawed goat man thing. Definitely unnatural. We begin wailing on it. Ruby slaughters it. Elora gives Ruby the healing waters of her booby flask and heals her up to max. The creepy bushes are a concern now. The crag that the goat man came out of leads into a cavern system. We decided to set up a camp since it is evening. We try to find a good spot to set up camp but struggle to find a great place. Eilene reads the epitaphs on the gravestones and there isn't anything in particular that is interesting. Eilene finds the best place to camp with a strong sense of survival and hatred of mud. Igor keeps watch and feels a cool breeze, he sees dark shadows overhead but doesn't notice us. Elora takes the next watch and hears a skittering sound and wings, then 200 bats erupt out of the cave. They head out to feed. Nothing to see here. LeRoy and Ruby take the third watch. Eilene is putting on makeup. She sees a giant vulture circle the camp then it flies to the goat man corpse. Then it flies off again. Our long rest completes. We attempt to sneak but Ruby is quite noisy this time around. We enter the cavern and are ambushed by giant bats and little bats. They die and we hear a humming sound further up the tunnel. There is an altar with a marble floor. Elora touches it and all of her hair falls out. Eilene thinks it is from the Galdorean empire and is really old. Elora freaks out about her hair loss and touches the altar again. A flying mechanical thing with glasses appears and opens a book. It looks down at her and starts writing. Then it poofs back into nowhere. Elora makes a note of where this cavern is in her book and the party closes up the cavern. Elora has decided she needs fur for her ears at least and LeRoy agrees. Igor offers to help. We track down the dire wolf and kill it. His wolf friends are chasing us out of the forest. We head back to the Broken Nail and get paid.   50 xp for bats 50 xp for dire wolf 113 xp each for strange creature 50 xp each for vine creatures 263 xp total. We get paid 20 gp from Luca.


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