Moord's Paragons

Moord's Paragons: Guardians Against the Grey Tide

  In the bleak expanse of Fallen Asha, where hope dwindles and the Grey Horde's shadow looms ever larger, a beacon of resistance shines from the floating city of Moord. This beacon takes the form of an elite cadre of warriors, mages, and specialists known as Moord's Paragons. Dedicated to disrupting the Grey Horde's leadership and preventing its overwhelming advance, the Paragons stand as perhaps the last, best hope for the scattered survivors of this ravaged land.  
The Paragon's Duality by AI Generated Image

Origins and Purpose

  Moord's Paragons were founded in 2156 AP, a response to the growing threat of coordinated attacks by the Grey Horde. As the undead legions began to show signs of strategic planning and hierarchical organisation, the leaders of Moord realised that conventional defenses alone would not be sufficient to ensure the city's survival.   The Paragons were conceived as a proactive force, tasked with identifying and eliminating key figures within the Grey Horde's command structure. By disrupting the horde's leadership, the Paragons aim to keep the undead forces fragmented and disorganised, buying precious time for Moord and the other surviving enclaves of Fallen Asha.
We are the sword that strikes at the heart of the Grey Tide. Where others build walls, we topple mountains. Our victories are measured not in land reclaimed, but in the countless lives spared from the horde's advance.
— Commander Elara Stormwind, Founder of Moord's Paragons

Organisation and Structure

  Moord's Paragons operate under a flexible command structure, adapting to the ever-changing threats posed by the Grey Horde. The organisation is divided into several specialised units:  
1. The Vanguard
  Elite warriors trained in combat against undead foes. They specialise in quick strikes and extraction missions, often serving as the front line in Paragon operations.  
2. The Shroud
  Masters of stealth and infiltration, the Shroud gathers intelligence on Grey Horde movements and identifies priority targets for elimination.  
3. The Arcane Fist
  Battlemages who combine martial prowess with arcane might. They are crucial in countering the necrotic energies that animate the Grey Horde.  
4. The Luminaries
  Scholars and tacticians who analyse intelligence, plan operations, and research new methods to combat the undead threat.  
5. The Reclaimed
  A controversial unit composed of individuals who have survived exposure to the Grey Plague. Their unique insights and potential immunity make them valuable, if mistrusted, assets.  

Notable Operations

  Over the years, Moord's Paragons have conducted numerous high-risk missions deep into Grey Horde territory. Some of their most significant operations include:  
The Sundering of the Bone Throne (2178 AP)
  A daring raid on the stronghold of the Fleshweaver, a powerful Dracolich coordinating Grey Horde forces across the southern wastes. The Paragons not only eliminated the Fleshweaver but also destroyed her phylactery, throwing the southern horde into disarray for months.  
Operation Stormbreaker (2193 AP)
  A multi-pronged assault on a massive undead army massing for an attack on the Stormborn settlements. By targeting key commanders and destroying vital supply lines, the Paragons managed to disperse the army before it could strike.  
The Whisper Campaign (2201-2205 AP)
  A long-term infiltration mission that saw members of the Shroud pose as undead thralls, gradually working their way up the Grey Horde's hierarchy to sow confusion and misinformation. This operation culminated in the simultaneous assassination of three major Horde leaders.  

The Day of Sorrows Controversy

  Perhaps the most contentious chapter in the history of Moord's Paragons is their alleged involvement in the tragic events of the The Day of Sorrows (2145 AP). This catastrophic battle, which saw the near-total destruction of the Ochal Legion's 19th Cohort, has long been attributed to an overwhelming assault by the Grey Horde. However, classified documents leaked in 2203 AP suggest a far more complex and disturbing scenario.  
Operation Silent Vigil
  According to the leaked files, the Paragons conducted a covert operation codenamed "Silent Vigil" during the Day of Sorrows. The mission's objective was the deliberate sabotage of the Ochal Legion's defenses, engineered to ensure the destruction of the 19th Cohort. The Paragons justified this drastic action based on intelligence suggesting that key commanders within the Legion had been compromised by Qhuss influence, posing a critical threat to Moord's security.  
Evidence and Justification
  The Paragons presented the following evidence to Moord's ruling council to justify Operation Silent Vigil:  
  • Intercepted psionic communications: The Paragons' Luminaries claimed to have detected unusual psionic activity among high-ranking Legion officers, consistent with known Qhuss telepathic signatures.
  • Behavioral anomalies: Reports detailed sudden changes in decision-making patterns among Legion leadership, including inexplicable strategic choices that seemed to favor Qhuss interests.
  • Mysterious artifacts: Several officers were observed carrying objects of unknown origin, which the Paragons' experts identified as potential Qhuss mind-control devices.
  • Compromised supply lines: Analysis of the Legion's logistics revealed subtle alterations to their supplies, including trace amounts of substances known to enhance susceptibility to psionic influence.
  • Eyewitness accounts: Testimonies from lower-ranking Legion members described unsettling changes in their superiors' behavior, including periods of fugue-like states and uncharacteristic orders.

  • The Operation
      Operation Silent Vigil was executed with chilling efficiency. Paragon operatives infiltrated key positions within the Legion's support structure, subtly sabotaging communications, altering strategic plans, and weakening defenses. When the Grey Horde attacked, the Legion found itself outmaneuvered, its troops positioned in vulnerable formations and cut off from reinforcements. The Paragons' actions ensured that while the battle appeared to be a straightforward, if devastating, military engagement, its outcome was predetermined. The 19th Cohort, including its allegedly compromised leadership, was almost entirely wiped out.  
    Aftermath and Controversy
      The true nature of the Paragons' involvement in the Day of Sorrows remained a closely guarded secret for decades. Its revelation in 2203 AP sparked a firestorm of controversy and debate across Fallen Asha.   Supporters of the Paragons argue that their actions, while tragic, were necessary to prevent a greater catastrophe. They contend that a Qhuss-controlled Legion could have led to the fall of Moord and, potentially, the complete loss of Fallen Asha to either the Qhuss or the Grey Horde.   Critics, however, decry the operation as an unconscionable betrayal. They question the veracity of the Paragons' evidence and argue that even if some Legion commanders were compromised, the wholesale sacrifice of thousands of loyal soldiers was unjustifiable.  
    The Day of Sorrows forced us to confront an impossible choice: sacrifice thousands to save millions, or risk losing everything to an unseen enemy. It is a burden we will carry for eternity, but one we shouldered to ensure the survival of Moord and all of Fallen Asha.
    — Anonymous Paragon Commander, from the leaked files
    Ongoing Investigations
    The revelation of Operation Silent Vigil has led to calls for a full investigation into the Paragons' actions. However, with many records lost or destroyed in the intervening years, and key witnesses long dead, the full truth of the Day of Sorrows may never be known. What is clear is that this event has cast a long shadow over the legacy of Moord's Paragons. It serves as a stark reminder of the moral complexities they face in their mission to protect Fallen Asha, and the heavy price of the choices they make in the name of survival.  

    Recruitment and Training

      Joining the ranks of Moord's Paragons is no easy feat. Recruits are drawn from the most promising warriors, mages, and specialists across Fallen Asha. The selection process is grueling, designed to test not just physical and mental capabilities, but also the resolve and ethical fortitude of candidates.   Training for accepted recruits is intense and unforgiving. It includes:  
  • Advanced combat techniques against undead foes
  • Survival skills for navigating Grey Plague-infested territories
  • Resistance to necrotic energies and mental domination
  • Tactical analysis and strategic planning
  • Specialised training based on assigned unit
  • Perhaps most importantly, all Paragons are instilled with an unwavering commitment to their mission and the survival of Fallen Asha's remaining free peoples.  

    Challenges and Controversies

      Despite their crucial role in defending Moord and the other surviving enclaves, Moord's Paragons are not without their critics and challenges:  
    Ethical Concerns
      Some question the methods employed by the Paragons, arguing that their focus on assassination and sabotage represents a moral compromise that brings them too close to the very evil they fight.  
    Resource Allocation
      The significant resources devoted to training and equipping the Paragons have been a point of contention, with some arguing that those resources would be better spent on conventional defenses or improving the lives of survivors.  
    The Reclaimed Controversy
      The inclusion of Grey Plague survivors in the Reclaimed unit has sparked fierce debate. While their unique abilities are valuable, many fear the potential for these individuals to succumb to the Plague's influence.  
    Psychological Toll
      The nature of their work exposes Paragons to horrors that few can imagine. Many struggle with the psychological impact of their missions, leading to high rates of burnout and mental trauma.  

    Legacy and Future

      As the Grey Horde continues to evolve and adapt, so too must Moord's Paragons. The organisation faces an uncertain future, balancing the need for increasingly daring operations against the risk of losing their most valuable assets.   Yet, in the face of overwhelming odds, the Paragons remain a symbol of hope and defiance. Their very existence serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, there are those willing to stand against the tide of oblivion.  
    We are not heroes. We are not saviors. We are simply those who refuse to go quietly into the night. As long as one free soul draws breath in Fallen Asha, the Paragons will stand ready to defend that flicker of life against the encroaching dark.
    — Paragon Recruit's Oath
      As Fallen Asha teeters on the brink of total consumption by the Grey Horde, the actions of Moord's Paragons may well determine the fate of not just a city or a region, but of an entire people's future.


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