The dance of lords and ladies Organization in The Whispered Promise | World Anvil
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The dance of lords and ladies

Her lips began to scorch,
That juice was wormwood to her tongue,
She loath’d the feast:
Writhing as one possess’d she leap’d and sung,
Rent all her robe, and wrung
Her hands in lamentable haste,
And beat her breast.
Her locks stream’d like the torch
Borne by a racer at full speed,
Or like the mane of horses in their flight,
Or like an eagle when she stems the light
Straight toward the sun,
Or like a caged thing freed,
Or like a flying flag when armies run.
-an excerpt from Goblin Market by anAncient Poet that hangs upon the walls of the Dance...


The court spring is a wild and almost inscrutable series of social cliques and in crowds that shifts as quickly as the whims of it's inhabitants. That is to say that the complex rules of court there may seem wild and unpredictable but they follow a centuries old pattern. 
To those who know how to navigate it it's simple and hierarchal with the Queen at the top and those in her favor being allowed to be closest to her, as one moves out of favor they are pushed further and further to the sides of the dance until at it's edges are the Lords and ladies who are at the lowest rungs of the social ladder.


The culture of the Dance is the culture of a fancy party, it is the dream of romance, and dancing and music, and the nightmare of social oversaturation and not knowing exactly what the rules are at any given point in time. It is a beautiful social meat grinder that can whittle a person down to nothing or build them up to the highest heights.

Public Agenda

Publicly the dance does as it always does, it dances, it parties and it carries on. Privately it is one of the two Unseelie courts and as such focuses mostly on nightmares and the darker emotions.


The dance has a never ending source of food and music and wine, but never seems interested in doing anything but dancing. If one were to rob the dance one might come away with a hefty sum of valuables.


No one remebers when the first fey danced around the fires of spring, but the Dance of Lords and Ladies began in those primeval times of the first world. Each year it gained new dancers, new rules, new themes and subthemes, new musicians and new fodder. Some say the dance persisted even in the Second world but no one has confirmed such a happening.


The dance is "Disbanded" every Summer at Midsomar. Though members often have private salons all through the year.

Demography and Population

The primary population of the Dance are the High and Arch Fey but there are a number of humans, sprites, gnomes, and others that make their way into the dance for one reason or another. It is hard to gague exact population as in all thing with the fey those numbers can pivot on a whim.

Technological Level

Like most of Fey, technology is neither permitted nor works particularly well, leaving the dance in a perpetual state of medival fantasy, even certain constructs and inventions don't work there, and nothing more complex than a carriage has ever been witnessed in operation there.

Foreign Relations

The Dance is often considered the least dangerous of the courts, though that is largely because it is a chainsaw wrapped in a beautiful ball gown. Diplomats and heads of state often visit the Dance in hopes of learning new and powerful secrets but most never escape and so it is considered highly dangerous. However the Dance doesn't leave The Feywild that people know of and so it has no real diplomacy outside of it's halls.

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Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Spring Court, The eternal dance
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Barter system
Rumors and Favors are the primary currency of the Dance and those who know how to weave them and curry favor come out the most succesful. Valued only slightly less is Artistic ability which can quickly bring success, and just as quickly bring disdain and death.
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Related Species
All artwork used has been generated with Midjourney AI and is used with or has been generated with or with Photoshop using image assets that have been purchased legally
Midjourney license
Creative commons CC BY 4.0

Articles under The dance of lords and ladies


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