Arms of The Protector



When The Towns separated from the Nomads, they did so because they were taught about The Protector by Harald of The Protectors. Religion is very much the centre of the society of Townsfolks.   The god is often referred to as The Protector or The Patron, and occasionally as The Authority. No one knows his real name. He is all-seeing, all-knowing and is often judgemental, sometimes vengeful. He is in a constant battle with The Forces, with only The Angels at his side for support. His word is represented and protected by Clerics, and his mortal representative is known as The Protector's Cleric.


The Arms of The Protector act as security for The Protector's Cleric. They are based in Stoneham Town at The Old Church but also travel with their charge as and when necessary.   As the mortal representative for the one and only god, The Protector's Cleric is often plagued by attacks from The Forces, the female personifications of everything which is wrong with the world. They cause people to do bad things as well as being to blame for any bad luck, injury or illness which may befall someone. This makes the job of the Arms more than guarding his body, they guard The Protector's Cleric's soul.


There are between 8 and 12 men who make up the Arms of The Protector at any given time. These men work in units of four, each group taking shifts of a day, and are the only people who have access to blunderbuss (a form of Firearms). These units all consist of:  


The leader is in charge of the unit and ensures everyone is doing what they are supposed to be. They are the most experienced and provide training to the rest of the unit on their days off. They are ultimately responsible for the well-being of The Protector's Cleric and report only to him.

Body Guard

The two body guards are in charge of protecting the body of The Protector's Cleric. They are strong and well-trained in defensive and offensive tactics. They not only prevent physical harm from coming to The Protector's Cleric but they are also trained in medicine and ensure the physical well-being of their charge.

Soul Guard

There is only one soul guard, chosen by The Protector's Cleric, and he is in charge of ensuring the wellbeing of the man's soul. He provides words of advice and support when necessary but also carefully vets any person that The Protector's Cleric comes into contact with to ensure they are not The Forces in disguise.


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Aug 5, 2024 03:36 by Marjorie Ariel

I'm impressed by how much information you were able to convey in such a short article. I particularly like the description of the Forces.

Aug 10, 2024 16:15 by Elspeth

Thank you! Yes, The Forces are really interesting. I'll be building them out. :)

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