Beginning of the Battle

Trigger Warning: Contains deliberate and excessive sexism

The Story

Before the world was formed there was only The Protector. He was the only one, The True Authority and life was good.   Then he found he was not alone. The world had been infiltrated by The Forces. They brought their destructive feminine energy and ruinous lascivious ways, disrupting the perfect harmony of the world before.   Unable to face their immoral ways alone, The Protector created Men. He made them smart, strong, brave and bold. He made them aggressive so that they would fight against The Forces beside him.   The Forces saw what he had done, and in retaliation they created Women. They were not as good at creating people as The Protector was, so the women came out weak, sensitive and emotional.   The Protector was pleased and thought the Men would easily defeat them, for the Men were smart. But The Forces were cunning and taught the Women their ways. They made the women loud and brash and seductive and they led the Men astray.   Then The Protector had an idea. He taught the Men to marry the Women, to tame them and free them of the evil of The Forces. His plan worked. These Women became The Angels and were nurturing, modest, humble and devoted to their husbands.
Soon the Men and Women were reproducing. And with the birth of each girl came a new opportunity for The Forces to overcome them. Even the Women who became wives were still at risk. So The Protector made them forget. He released the Men from their duty to him, hoping he would save them from The Forces.   But still, The Forces followed the people, using the Women to corrupt and break the Men. They gave the Women voices and free will and other things they were ill-equipped to deal with and made them sad. The Men grew sad too and they fought a lot.   This was when the Great Battle occurred. A war which spanned the world and left no one untouched. Men and Women and Children and Angels and Forces all fought, some on the side of good and others on the side of evil. It was a devastating battle and lasted for a hundred centuries. Sometimes it was a noisy haze of blood and gut and the screams of Men and other times it was a quiet and subtle silence of coldness and hostility.   This was why The Protector reached out to Harald of The Protectors, and why it is so important to help The Protector with his battle against The Forces.


The story comes from the first tome of the Word of The Protector, a collection of the lessons which The Protector from Religion of The Towns told to Harald of The Protectors.   When he first started telling this story to the Nomads, they laughed at him. But as he managed to gather a following, who could see the evilness of The Forces and wanted to side with The Protector against them, more people began to believe the story too.   Today, this story is taught to all Townsfolks, and they all believe it's true.
  The Nomads still believe it to be the ramblings of an anti-social man based on dreams he had of a world in which he could have what he wanted when he wanted it. But what do they know? They are barbarians who live in the forests.


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Jul 20, 2024 23:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I side with the Nomads on this one.   Great story though. :D

Aug 1, 2024 20:09 by Elspeth

Definitely! Thank you <3

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