Word of The Protector


At the end of the period now known as The Lost Age, Harald of The Protectors was visited in his sleep by The Protector. During this dream and the many that followed Harald was instructed by The Protector in the ways of the world and the nature of his battle against The Forces, the dark and evil spirits that corrupt a man's soul. Every morning he would awake and frantically write the words he had just been told. These sleeves of parchment would form the basis for the collection of documents that are now known as the Words of The Protector.
Religious Text
Authoring Date
13th of The Flowering, 2328
The Protector
Harald of The Protectors

The Author


While the Townsfolks all believe that the words written in this document are the word of The Protector as he intends it, Nomads question the validity of this, and wonder whether they are in fact the mysoginistic ramblings of a man who wanted to rebuild the world in a way which suited him. None have ever been able to prove this, as it is very difficult to prove what someone else does or does not dream.
Before he was gifted with the Word of The Protector, Harald lived a small and sad life. However, with this gift from the one god, everything changed. He realised his purpose was to spread the Word of The Protector and in doing so he met his wife and created a family. Together they drew together the various parchments and letters which Harald had written and bound them to create the first tome of the Word of The Protector.   Over the course of the years, each of The Protector's Clerics has added to the Word of The Protector. Some have added no more than a few words, while others have been gifted with enough words to create their own tome.

The Document

The tomes which make up the Word of The Protector are all stored in the vault of The Old Church in Stoneham Town. This is where The Protector's Cleric lives and is also home to many other religious artefacts as well.
  As the document itself has grown throughout the years, so too have the number of lessons and rules laid down in it. The first tome, however, is taught to and memorised by children in all of The Towns. This first tome is broken down into four sections. It is worth noting that it is very unlikely that the sections the document has been grouped into is the order in which is was written or dictated by The Protector. It is, however, the order in which it should be read.  

The Beginning

This section focuses on an origin story, for how the world came into being. It talks of how The Protector created men in order to aid him in his battle, and how The Forces created women to tempt and destroy men. The Angels taught the men to reproduce with the women and save them from the evil machinations of The Forces.

The Battle

The second section focuses on details of the ongoing battle between The Protector and The Forces. This is by far the longest part of this tome and many paragraphs go into excruciatingly graphic detail on the nature not only of the battle itself but the underhanded and at times seductive tactics that The Forces use against The Protector.

The Rules

The Rules are often the first part which is taught to children and contain a list of instructions for men and women to follow in order to help The Protector in his battle. These range from rules on how to dress and act to instructions on cleaning and a fixation on grammar.

The End

The final part of the tome is also the shortest. It speaks, in broad strokes, about a time that will come when all of The Forces will coalesce in a single woman and then The Protector will smite her. The people who supported him will go with him to a Promised Land.


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