End of the Battle

Trigger Warning: Contains deliberate and excessive sexism

The Story

And so it will come to pass and so it will be that there will come a time when the Battle will end. The great and valiant effort which The Protector has waged since the dawn of time against the evils brought about by The Forces will finally come to its resolution.   There will be a coalescing, a gathering of all The Forces until they are joined together which will cause a disruption and confusion in the air so great as it were to break asunder even the mightiest of mountains. This will be a reckoning, felt by the earth if not the people who walk it, for they will be too involved in the battle to know it is coming to an end.   None but those who are keen of foresight shall see this coming, and only he who is true in his knowledge and his pursuit of knowledge and betterment of himself and others shall have the power to smite her down. For he and he alone shall become the Sword of the Protector and together they will seek out this evil which lurks in plain sight.   The woman, when she appears, who is a collection of all of the evils of all of The Forces combined in one shall be the worst of all women.
She shall be born meek and mild, as a woman should be, and in all outward appearance seem to be the very model of one of The Angels. She will appear as a normal person, and this will be part of her deciet. For all women are capable of great deceit and great evil. They may smile at you and act with all attitude of kindness but then turn around and marry someone else even though you have been nothing but nice to them. For women, even those with the appearance of sincerity, can be fickle and corrupt creatures.   But this woman, who is no great beauty to look at but will in fact pass by most as a normal person, will bring about the end of the world. And for this, the Sword of The Protector will smite her.   And all of those who fought alongside The Protector and continue to do so through their final days will be delivered to the Promised Land and all will be well for them for they will be with The Protector.


The story comes from the end of the first tome of the Word of The Protector, a collection of the lessons which The Protector from Religion of The Towns told to Harald of The Protectors.   Of all the stories to appear in Harald's tome of the Word of The Protector, this is by far the most garbled and unclear. It appears in the tome exactly as it was first written by Harald and some Nomads have suggested that he was feverish when he wrote it. Although the Townsfolks know it is written exactly as The Protector intended.


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