Harald's Daughters



The Society of Harald's Daughters, more commonly referred to simply as Harald's Daughters, is named after the founder of the Religion of The Towns, a man called Harald of The Protectors who first received the word of The Protector and then shared it with his friends and family. It was as a result of the truth that Harald brought to people that the Townsfolks broke away from the barbaric life of the Nomads and created The Towns.   Religion is, therefore, the backbone of life and society for those living in The Towns, so it is not surprising this extends to social betterment groups like this one.


Not much is known about the actual daughters of Harald, or if he even had any. The role of women in history is not important enough to mention for the Townsfolk, so it is possible that the group itself is founded under false pretence. However, that's not how the story goes.  

The Story of Harald's Daughters

While Harald sought to spread the word which had been brought to him in a dream, that there were not many gods but only one, and that this god, The Protector, was in a constant battle to save good from evil, many foolishly turned away from him.   Harald's Daughters, seeing their father's struggle and being the good and loving daughters that they were, decided to help him however they could. They gathered their friends around them, other women of good breeding and of an age that could marry, and promised to teach them how to become good wives. They did so with kindness and grace, teaching them also about The Protector. Soon word of these eligible wives spread and they became very popular, so Harald's Daughters handed out blue ribbons to identify young women who had been trained by them. And so word of The Protector was freely shared as well.

The Organisation


Forever In Service
His Daughter
Ruling Organisation
Religion of The Towns
Today, there is a group of Harald's Daughters in every one of The Towns, all of which report to the oldest group in Stoneham Town. These groups meet several times a week, sometimes daily, and consist exclusively of women aged between 12 and 25 years old. They are designed for women who are seeking a husband and the accepted wisdom is that any woman older than 25 years old who has failed to marry is a lost cause.   As with the story, the women are all expected to wear blue ribbons in their hair to identify themselves as part of the Society of Harald's Daughters. They are taught needlework, housekeeping, cooking, mending and pleasing a husband as part of their wifely training. In addition, they are taught about The Angels, how to recognise The Forces, and how to support their future husband in the ongoing battle beside The Protector.


The aim of the group is obviously to do good. The women who meet at Harald's Daughters help one another to become better future wives and spread the word of The Protector. But their goodness does not end there. One of the most common pastimes for the group is charity work. Each group partakes in this once a week, during which they likely do one of the following activities:  

Visit the Sick

They visit the homes of the sick and needy to provide comfort and support while also teaching them about The Protector and his fight against The Forces.

Teach Children

They identify children whose parents were most likely to be overcome by The Forces and teach them about The Protector and what to do should their parents become possessed.

Convert The Lost

They visit people who seemed lost to the ways of The Protector and show their goodness and their Angelic natures to help them return to the way of The Protector.


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