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Chaos, the Fermament (Cha-os)

Chaos, the Fermament is the Chaotic allignment of the The Trinity of Creation, They represent the untapped potential of the universe and the unpredictibility of existance. They are the patron god of creation, magic, and and the fundamental forces that are the progenitor of every thing in existance. Their essence forms the Astral Sea, the endless expanse of energy surrounding the planes of existance, as well as the Etherial Plane, which is a reflection of the other planes influenced by magic and the toughts of sapient creatures. Chaos' contiousness retreated back into the Astral Sea after the creation of the world. They no longer actively take part in the goings on of the world. Chaos has no mortal followers, as few even remember their name, and is only present on the World to maintain the balance of the forces of creation.   The Aspect of Chaos is potential and unpredictibility. They embody the great and terrible things the future might hold, and ensures that the events in the universe are fundamentally unpredictable, and cannot be determined with full accuracy, even by the gods. Their Source is spread out over the Ethereal plane, and the Astral Sea. Arcane magic is fueled by the Ethereal, through weaving power out of the Ethereal plane into the Material.


The four Elemental Planes are planes of existance that sprung from Chaos' mind within the first moments of their existance. These planes are a representation of the forms that energy can take, and are fueled by the power of Chaos themselves. Each elemental being is birthed by the powers and energies of the Elemental planes coalessing into a sapient creature. Most elementals do not know that the power that formed them belongs to a sapient god.


There are many gods in the World, and not all of them originated on that world. Some gods came from outside the realms of the World, either brought allong when their mortal followers emigrated from other worlds, or invaded the World and managed to anchor a part of themselves that stuck around. These Outsider Gods each have their own agenda, and has plans that involve the denizens of the World.

Divine Domains

Divine Symbol

The prismatic eye


Skill Proficiency: Arcana
Damage Type: Force


Worshipped by:

No one


Chaos and Potential
Magic and Energy
Excitement and Unpredicitbility


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