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General information

Name: Gaotha (Gwee-tha)
Gender: He/Him
Age: early twenties, 8 years
Ancestry: Aarakocra
Ethnicity: Free People of the Broken Coast
Role: Soldier in the Windbreakers (Lean MacDermott's private Freecompany.  


Eye colour: Yellow
Skin Tone: White plumage with brown tips
Hair Style:
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 40 kg
Clothing: Gold engraved breastplate, leather gear.  


Social stratum: Middle Class
Personal relations: The Windbreakers, Lean MacDermott
Religion: Church of the Silver Flame (Aias, the Soldier)
Languages: Common, Freespeak, Auran  


Personal Traits

  • Affable.
  • Loyal to Lean.
  • Brave

Cultural Traits

  • Every living creature requires freedom to prosper.
  • Political power is derived from how much capital you posess.
  • Although dangerous, the life on the Storming Sea is beautiful and rewarding.

Ancestral Traits

  • Pruned
  • Perceptive
  • Think quicly and do not waste time explaining their actions

Gaotha (Gwee-tha) CR: Retainter

Medium humanoid,
Armor Class: 16 (breastplate)
Hit Points: 8 x level (1d10 + 2 per level)
Speed: 25 ft. , fly: 50 ft.


10 +0


16 +3


14 +2


12 +1


10 +0


10 +0

Saving Throws: +PB to all
Skills: Acrobatics +3 plus PB, Medicine +1 plus PB, Perception +0 plus PB
Senses: passive Perception 10 plus PB
Languages: Common, Freespeak
Challenge Rating: Retainter
Proficiency Bonus: equal to the Mentor's PB

Combat Abilities

Repelling Shield. Gaotha has a fabiral that reppels ranged attacks. He has half cover against ranged attacks as long as the farial is active.   Ammunition. Gaotha unlocks ammunition types at types at certain levels. He can avtivate one type of ammunition per turn, modifying his Dual Wielding Pistols attack.   3rd-level: Tracing Rounds. These rounds create a bright line that illuminates the target. Changes damage to (1d6 + PB) fire damage. If hit, the next attack made against the target has advantage.   5th-level: Flak Rounds. These rounds explode into shrapnel near the target. Replace attack: Target a point within 100 ft. All creatures within a sphere (10 ft. radius) of the target take (2d6 + PB) piercing damage (DC 14 Dex ST).   7th-level: Blinding Rounds. Rounds explode in a bright flash of light. Target is blinded until the start of Gaotha's next turn (DC 14 Con ST)


Dual Wielding Pistols. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 plus PB to hit, Range: 100/400, Target: single, Hit: 6 (1d10 + PB) piercing damage, At level 7, Gaotha can attack twice per turn.


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