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Lean MacDermott

General information

Name: Lean MacDermott
Gender: She/Her
Age: 42
Ancestry: Half-Orc/Tabaxi
Ethnicity: Free People of the Broken Coast
Role: Lord Admiral of the City of Seala, Member of the LordsXV, High Admiral of the Free Cities.


Eye colour: Yelow slit eyes
Skin Tone: Straw yelow
Hair Style: Striped white and black, sheared short
Height: 195
Weight: 65
Clothing: Admirals jacket, silk shirt and pantaloons, Hat distinquished with gold, medals of office. Golden chain of the LordsXV


Social stratum: Upper Class
Personal relations:
Religion: Church of the Silver Flame. Worships Loec, the Rulemaker
Languages: Common, Freespeak, Draconic, Elvish, Jotun


Personal Traits

  • Devout
  • Apreciates good work
  • Good politician, even better fighter
  • Cultural Traits

    • Freedom!: Freedom is a basic right, that every living creature requires to prosper.
    • Money is Power: Political power is derived from how much capital you posess, and not from anything else.
    • Love of Sea and Storm Although dangerous, the life on the sea is beautiful and rewarding.

    Ancestral Traits

  • Direct, an orc does not mince their words.
  • Practical, do not overthink, action is what counts.
  • Hunter's Instinct

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