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Séala is the largest of the Free Cities and the largest settlement on the Broken Coast. It is a coastal port city, tucked away into a natural habour on the Westward Cliffs. Most of the city is built onto and into the cliffs, with the largest cliff called the Shield protecting the buildings against the Stormwinds.  


Séala is built into/on the cliffs, and has hundreds of meters of elevation across the city. Most of the harbours, and warehouses and are located at sea level, with stores and shops at the middle levels, and residential disticts at the highest levels. Most buildings are either built from stone, or carved directly into the cliffs, to provide resistance against the Stormwinds. The cities' natural harbour is built into a large port, to accomedate all the ships that the people need to work and trade. This harbour functions as the largest Stormshelter in the area, and has hundreds of ships anchored behind the Shield to protect against the Stormwinds. There are no land routes into/out of the city.   Buildings are space efficient in Séala, to optimise for residential capacity and acces to infrastructure. Merchant's store are slender and tall to allow for as many stores as possible to access the waterways. The exception to these rules are the Temples of the Silver Flame. These larger complexes are found everywhere in the city, and perform social functions in the community.  


Séala has no walls or fortifications outside of the cliffs it is built into, since it is only reachable by ship. The natural harbour has a seawall at the inlet, with a gate that can block vessels from making landfall. Gun positions are aimed at the occean, as to deter enemy ships from aproaching the city.   The strongest defense of the city is it's fleet. During wartime the fleet is away from the city, but there is always a contingent of warships that can be sortied at a moments notice to defend the city from invaders.   There are tunnels that connect the city to the surrounding cliffs and tidepools. The ones that the City Guard are aware of are guarded, and are used to bring fish and harvested kelp into the city. Not all tunnels are known to the authorities. These are often infested by beasts and monsters, and only criminals use these tunnels. Smaller harbours exist ouside the city limits, mostly used by fisherfolk or smuglers.  

Industries and Trade

Séala is centraly located on the Westward Cliffs, and as such has a large Leviathan hunting Industry for harvesting Soulstones. These Soulstones are sold to the Gunnery and Artefabrian Guilds to produce wonderous fabrials and weapons. These products form the backbone of Séalan trade.   The Whaling Guild and Fishing Guild provide food to the cities. Most other natural resources are imported via ship. There is substantial trade with the Coastborn in the surrounding cliffs, who provide materials and ingredients harvested from the tide pools.  


Séala is divided into districts, each with their own function. Districts are not separated by internal walls, but are instead designated by changes in architecture and infrastructure. Each district has it's own points of interest.  


The Harbour takes up most of the natural harbour inlet of Séala. Fishing, trade and military ships are docked here, each in their own smaller docks. These are loosely organised in a haphazard way. The Harbour contains mosly warehouses for goods storage and industries that require direct access to the water, such as fishing, whaling and shipwrights. These facilities are located at sealevel to make transporting goods convenient.  


The shipyards are where vessels are repaired while the crew is on shore leave. The Eire's call is docked here when not in use. The shipyards take up almost 200 meters of waterfront to service Séalan ships.  

Admiral Benbow - Tavern

The Admiral Benbow has existed for near 200 years on the dockside of Séala. Run by Clodagh (Klo-da) [Elf, She/her]. Many sailors spend their shoreleave in this tavern singing songs and drinking rum. Favored tavern of the crew of the Eire's Call.  


The Waterfront is inhabited by richer merchants and stores that require access to the water. The buildings here are larger, and inhabited by the affluent. The waterfront's many canals are encased in a stone quay wall, and has many open spaces for markets or recreation. Many people that require partially submerged homes have residences on the waterfront. Homes here are smaller here than in the Merchant's Quarter, as to maximize access to the water.  

The Glowing Conch - Jezrien's potion store

This smaller store is located directly on the waterfront. The ground floor contains the store, lab and storeroom, while the first floor has a large appartment with multiple rooms, and a single room residence for the store's employee Dáithí.
The store has a pool in the center of the store that lets in seawater from outside, and is illuminated with blue light from below. The walls are lined with stone cabinets containing vials of glass and seashell filled with wonderous poitions.  

The Shield

The Shield is a large cliff on the westside of Séala. It is the cities' primary defense against the Stormwinds. Thes district is inhabited by the poorest workers in the city, due to the violent shaking during storms, and the ever present smell of the fishing and whaling warfs close by. The lower levels are occupied by workshops and warehouses, whereas the higher levels are filled with wooden residences. Tunnels have been dug into the Shield to provide housing for those who can see in the dark. Neighbourhoods in th Shield are cramped and busy, and it is filled with smaller communities that rely on each other to share facilities and resources.  

Zygerian's appartment

Zygerian lives in a tunnel complex. The appartment is a two room residence, with communal washstation, kitchen and bath. No light is provided inside, so the only residents here are those with darkvision.  

Merchant's Quarter

The Merchant's Quarter is where most of the shops and stores are located. The sales of trade goods and high end products is handeled here. The quarter is situated one level above the Waterfront, and has good access to the Harbour. Residences in the quarter are larger townhouses, usually with storefronts on the ground floor.  

The Blue Moon - Mindful Myrtle's fabrial store

The Blue Moon is a store that sells gemstones, soulstones, and fabirals made from either. It is run by Caitria [Gnome, She/Her] and her ailing grandfather Fearghal [Gnome, He/Him]. Fearghal crafts fabrials, and his granddaughter sells them. The store is cluttered with all manner of crystals and magical contraptions. The employees live in an appartment on the ground floor. The first floor has a multiroom appartment. The store is situated on the side of a public square  

Echo's townhouse

A two story townhouse in a resedential district. The ground floor has a storehouse that has been converted into a smithy for personal use. The rest of the house is a multi floor residence with all amenities included.  

Guilders Quarter

The Guilder's Quarter is located on the upper levels of Séala in protected inlets. This is were most of the upper class is situated. It contains the estates of the rich and powerful, the Offices of the Guilds, Halls of the Guildmasters, and the Temple Complex. The Guilder's Quarter is the best sheltered district in the city, and is the only place where there is enough soil to plant gardens and parks.  

Temple Complex

A large inlet in the cliffs is carved into a large public square, surrounded by eight temples (one for each of the Chosen). These temples are carved into the cliffs, beautifully lit by lighting fabrials on the inside, with engraved stone and polished metals.  

Vethandralynx Dragon Vault

The Dragon Vault run by the Bronze Dragon Vethandralynx. The Dragon Vault handles currency transactions for merchants and traders. The Vault is a large octogonal domed structure, with two massive bronze doors in the front. The inside is richly appointed and staffed by Vethandralynx's Dragonborn progeny.  


The offices of the College of Guildmasters and the LordsXV, who are the official government of the Free Cities. The Guildhalls are the largest builing in Séala, partially carved out of the cliffs and built from stone. It is oppulent and stands as a testament to the wealth and power of the Free Cities.
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