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Broken Coast

Rocky coast of sharp cliffs and bare fjords. Plants only grow where they are sheltered from the Stormwinds by the rocks. The kelpforests under the water are masive, and home to many seashore creatures. The storms make open water treacherous, so most life clings to the rocks, shores and behind the cliffs.


Mostly aquatic creatures, such as fish, crustatians and aquatic/semi-aquatic mammals. Out of the direct path of the Storms, many tidal pool ecosystems have developed around the cliffs, and the abbundant sea caverns team with bizare and dangerous creatures. The regon is famous for the colourful corals, barnicles and sturdy plants that grow on the wet rocks and are invigorated by the Storms. Some of these plants form the basis of the alchemical wonders of The Free Cities.

Supernatural Phenomena

The Stormwinds

The tempests of the Storming Sea provide the basis for much of the local ecosystems and economies. They come from the Origin peroidically, but with enough variation to make them an ever present threat. The magical energies of the storm feed the land and provide its abuncance of magical and natural resources. The storm shaped the land an lives of all who live there. The coasts are made of broken cliffs and rocky shores, with little vegitation suitable for food. The Stormwinds feed the oceans without destroying them like the land, and the seas are abundant with fish. Vessles are only able to go out when the storms have died down, making trade possible but dangerous. Trading vessels ouside of port often have to shelter between the clifs to prevent getting caught in the storms.

Natural Resources

  • Shellfish and Marine mamals (whales and seals) for hunting
  • Silverweeds, grows on the cliffs, used for making Sparklocks
  • Soulstones of the seamonsters, matierals for fabrials.


The Coast consists of three major regions: The Northern Hillsides, the Westward Cliffs and the Southern Mists.  

Northern Hillsides

The Northern Hillsides are the most northward coasts. They are directly connected to the Stormlands beyond. The hills break the Stormwinds before they enter the Stormlands propper. As such these land have the most vegitation on the Broken Coast, as stronly rooted trees can survive on these hills. The Northern Hillsides have more smaller settlements than the other coasts, many are Free City outposts or Stormlander hamlets. Despite the vegitation, there is not enough fertile soil for large scale agriculture.  

Westward Cliffs

The Westward Cliffs are centrally located on the Broken Coast. They recieve the brunt of the Stormwinds, and have the most barren rocks and surfaces. Despite the harsh lands, the oceans and tidepools vibrant. The Stormwinds deposit most of their potential into these coasts, granting the creatures there strong Soulstones and powerful magics. Most of the Coastborn have settled their communities in these cliffs. The Free People have a few strategic outposts ouside of the Cities.  

Southern Mists

The Southern Mists are the parts of the Broken Coast that border on the Hazed Sea. The Stormwinds break here and turn into a thick haze of fog. This fog makes navigation dificult, but feeds the local plantlife, such as kelp and cliffmoss. The Southern Mist grow strong herbs and other such ingredients.  

Traversel and Encounters

The Broken Coast is difficult to traverse by foot, as the constant battering of the Storms has made the cliffs rough inaccesable. The inland hills are barren, as they catch the brunt of the Storms as they break uppon the Awon Mountains. The coast gives access to the sea, which is the only large source of food, but traversing the coast takes a long time due to jagged rocks and large fjords. The only reliable travel option is by ship.

Travel by ship

A medium ship can travel the whole of the coast in a matter of weeks. Voyagest between points of interest usually take a day if they ar close, and a few days if they are further appart.


If stong winds and heavy rain is rolled, the encoutner takes place during the Stormwinds, which creates evironmental effect.
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