There were no signs, no warnings. Doom came for them all. The attackers had set up camp as soon as they arrived, and immediately started bombarding the city. First with boulders the size of a ten-year-old child and then switching to the burning straw bales. The city was on fire. The walls were fully manned and there was complete chaos. Soldiers sprinted to their positions, seeking shelter from the flying fireballs, fighting their enemies. The catapult crews were already working all day, from daylight to dusk and from dusk to the dark night. They also catapulted sharp, large stones to their enemy. They hit siege towers, soldiers, and other catapults. Their enemy hit the walls, the houses behind those walls and the precious catapults of the defenders. Many were already completely shattered by heavy stones or were on fire. This fate was the same in all directions of the large, round city. Completely surrounded and nowhere to flee, no help or security. Dawndale was doomed. The city was massive. Every morning, when the sun came over the Horizon, this city was the first to see the sun in the province of Ateodal. The City Of First Light. The attackers would ensure that it no longer saw daylight in the eyes of a still standing city. They had to go through 2 walls, legendary walls. These already held for 400 years. The Arpton Citadel stood in the center of this majestic city. A three hundred meter high tower, illuminated with the largest torches ever seen. The Citadel has always been the home of the Eagle Kings since King Agron I had ordered its construction. The Great Hall was located at the foot of this unparalleled building, inside were long spiral staircases to travel all the way to the top. The tower ended in a rounded top and had ten pillars that started at the foot of the Citadel. Each pillar stood before a Great Eagle of the night sky, gods.
Alternative Name(s)
The City Of First Light, The Origin Of The Kingdom, The House Of Kings, Capitol of Vadaton
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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