
The City lies on the western shore of the Great Inland Sea on the Ikiur peninsula. Ikiursea is a tall city stacked on generations of buildings over the course of hundreds of years. Its tropical surroundings make the city hot and sticky. This has caused the city to adopt a more open feel, from its markets, to its homes. Ikiursea Is known for its great market due to its close trade with the Vail city of Kol-fell. If you want something, you can find it here. The city has more flexibility with letting outsiders into its borders, unlike the rest of the cities in Al Shadaar. This occasionally has caused tension between the cities leaders.   The Administrator has absolute rule over Ikiursea. Not a lot is known about him or her. They lead from the shadows, and are never seen. Some believe that they are a myth. Others believe they are a beast that lives under the city. But all know never to cross them. The Administrator ‘s guards are known as the kulaffi. They never speak, and have supreme authority to enact justice as they see fit. They are covered in armor and some say they are not human. They travel with a “translator” that speaks for them.

Points of interest

Inns and pubs:
The Sand Snake
Solomon’s oasis
The Dirge


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