The World Encyclopedia of Coriss as Recorded by Grand Master Precept Valeriano Aliano

Let me start by saying that over my 81 years of traveling across the world of Coriss I never once found myself bored. Coriss is fill with interesting people, beautiful places, and dangerous creatures. I have dedicated my life to recording every detail of the world I observed and retained it here in this tome for you to enjoy and reference. You will find my notes to my adventures in the margins, along with my personal opinions. There is so much here for you to discover, but I fear that I still have missed so much. As I reach the end of my life I find this to be my biggest regret. So I charge you dear reader to pick up where I left off. Find the nooks and crannies of this world and discover all you can. Chronical it here. Let this be a living document for the next generation to discover. i set off now for the road, probably for the last time. I dont intend to return to Blackspire, or the Precept Lyceum Encarta. I will just go where these old feet will take me. perhaps I'll see you out there dear adventurer.

Casus cum proposito,

Grand Master Precept Valeriano Aliano


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