The Guardians Alliance Organization in The World of Eredus | World Anvil
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The Guardians Alliance

After the fall of the Empire so too did the trust of the Vilnus family fall, and the mundane races waited some time before finding another leader they could believe, in. King Rayne I swept in uniting them through their hatred of magic and the weave. The guardians alliance now stands as one of the strongest factions and has one of the largest military units in the realm.

Public Agenda

The purpose of the alliance is to limit and remove the use of magic within their territory and one day to spread that beyond, they want to return the world to what they refer to as 'The Golden Dawn' a time before magic was commonplace where the world was more pure and untouched by the weave. This is due to the fact that none of the races involved are magic based.


The Alliance has many assets under their Alliance, they have the largest military force in The Occult Guardians and the largest cavalry unit in the world, they do not, however, have many naval units beyond the ones docked in Fateport. Their castles and fortresses are some of the largest as well, they do however lack the wealth of some other factions.


This faction was formed last as a reaction to the formation of other factions, after the death of Harren Vilnus IV, as the Empire fell the non magic races felt as though they did not belong and began to resent magic, as The Emerald Empire formed and the Magisters Concord was growing the races who were left to the side decided they would be the ones to guard this world for those who were not related to the weave. From this King Rayne I formed the Guardians Alliance.


The Alliance owns 5 major parts of land in Vergania. The humans occupy Riveld and Mettin, in whicn the King sits and is the most affluent spaces in the Alliance. The Half-Orc's occupy Dosgil and Duneshell, the warm desert lands in which most of the Occult Guardians train. The halflings live in the land of Retting, the only naval area of the Alliance and where the majority of their agriculture and horse breeding occurs.


The primary military organization in the Alliance are The Occult Guardians. One of the largest and most experienced military units in all of Vergania they are experts at dealing with magic and preventing those who use it from gaining an advantage over them. Every village and town, as well as the capital cities, are surrounded by the Guardians and those who grow up in the faction dream of one day joining their honourable ranks.


The alliance allows the worship of 5 gods exclusively which they believe represent their values. Worship of any other god can land someone in prison for a month or worse depending on the zone. They see the other gods as betrayers and charlatans. The gods they worship are Amaunator, Tyr, Hextor, Paladine & Majere. There are churches to these gods in almost every city.

Agriculture & Industry

The Alliance is blessed both with rich mines and fertile lands, while their lands arent as fertile as The Empire nor their mines as rich as The Dwarven Kingdom they have enough of both such as they require little trade to bring these goods in. Mining & Farming are the two largest industries within the Alliance.


The education in the alliance is unique as most children get a military education, most of what is learned is to turn kids into guard, soldiers or Wardens. While knowledge of agriculture and industry is taught they wouldn't be as well educated as some other factions, but they would have a good knowledge of history and military knowledge.

"Lead by our history, leading our future."

Founding Date
Military, Other
Alternative Names
The Alliance, Mage Hunters, The Humanoids.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
The Alliance uses the well known currency of copper,silver, gold & platinum.
Major Exports
The Alliance exports very little also, only selling things they have in extreme excess as they look down on most other factions, they do most of their trading with the Dwarves if they must.
Major Imports
The Alliance imports very little beyond some lumber from The Riveld Forest, they are the most self-sustained Faction there is.
Legislative Body
King Rayne III makes all decisions and writes all laws, the other races and smaller bodies of government trust him completely and allow him to have complete control of the faction.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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