The Magisters Concord Organization in The World of Eredus | World Anvil
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The Magisters Concord

The Magisters Concord was the first of the new factions to form when the Empire fell, practitioners of magic and magical races alike rushed to find a space where they could be safe from the anger and cruelty of the others. Most of the worlds most powerful magical artifacts and knowledge resides within the Concord as well as boasting the largest and most expansive libraries in the land.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Concord is to protect and restore the weave so that magic may be used freely and safely throughout the realms, they are also in the business of preserving history and knowledge.


The main assets of the Concord are wealth, magic, knowledge and a large amount of land.


The Magisters Concord was founded a few years after the fall of the Empire after the Flaming Myriad returned home and the weave began to stabilize. Many organizations were hired to hunt and imprison mages, as such the 4 races with the most to lose with the weaves corruption banded together in the north to form The Magisters Concord. Since then they have made great strides trying to gather knowledge and magic from across the realm to restore the weave.


The Concord owns 3 large land masses. Elfor which houses their capital Elforith, the ancestral home of the elves which is protected by large mountains. The religous land of Sunfire, where the sun elves conduct the majority of their business. The final land they own is Quementhar, once the home of humans now is the home of their infernal spawn, Tieflings. All 3 of these lands make up the Concord.


The primary military of the Concord is The Phoenix Phalanx. This magic based military unit is found all across the Concord. Many villages and towns have their own guards but political leaders and major cities are all home to the Phalanx. They tend to wear magic-infused armour with the sigil of a blue phoenix in the centre and favour polearms over most other weapons.


Religion is spoken of sparingly within the Concord as all races have their own religion.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture is a large part of the Concord as they have some of the most fertile ground in Vergania, and tend to hunt most wild beasts for meat. As they do little regular trading with other factions they grow and produce most of their own food and wildlife. Most of their industry comes from the selling of knowledge and magical power and artifacts across the land.


The Concord is easily the most educated of the factions, with children beginning their education at merely 2 years old and spending almost 20 years in academics typically. The academics and schools within the Concord are the largest and most well funded across all the realm and as such even someone as simple as a farmer would be more educated than the basic scholarly dwarf or goliath. The high society within the Concord would be some of the most well-learned and smartest individuals in the world.

Mythology & Lore

The Sun Elves and indeed some High Elves and Tieflings within the Concord worship 'The One' an everpresent omnipotent force who represents the sun and all good within the realm. They pay homage to it by lighting great fires and never letting darkness take over. He is believed to be the one true god by those who believe in him, especially after the defeat of Ao.

Divine Origins

It is hard to say where the beginning of the 'One' began, Sun Elves claim he has always been around, though information on him tends to only go back around 300 years.

Cosmological Views

Those who worship 'The One' believe it is he who created the world and everything in it, contradictory to the teachings of the other races.

"The First, The Last, The Everpresent"

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Concord, The Mages, Magic Land.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The traditional currency of copper,silver gold and platinum are used in the Concord.
Major Exports
The Concord has more magical knowledge than even they can handle, they tend to ship out a lot of mercenaries with magical experience as well as books, artifacts, items and occasionally farmed goods.
Major Imports
The Concord has little metals and stone and must trade with the dwarves and goblins to receive the ores and stones they require for construction and weapon manufacturing.
Legislative Body
The Magisters Council writes and agrees on all rules, though Sarena makes the final decision on all decisions.
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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