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The Undercell

The Undercell, or the Underworld as inmates refer to it, is a massive under-water prison.
  • "The Overworld", the base floor where all of the officers stay, as well as monitor the prison from, additionally many low level prisons are kept here, and are watched over by regular guards. On this floor, the party will encounter a collection of pirates and low level lifers. This floor is made of stone brick, with pillars holding up branch offs with barracks, observation rooms, and walkways where one can avoid inmates. Additionally this floor allows access to the large walls that surround the prison.
  • "Elysium", the second floor was titled this by inmates who had the fortune, or misfortune, to be moved up or down between the floors. Elysium is watched over by Rhada, Mino, and Attacus. These three command a fleet of soldiers, each recognized for their excellence in battle my the Marines. On this level the party will encounter Aquamarine Crescent, and the Asterio Sisters are on this floor. This floor looks similar to the one above it, however it has a slightly darker aesthetic to it. Additionally it has banners and tapestries lining the walls displaying marine propaganda. There is also a control room, and an observation deck on this floor.
  • "Asphodel", the third floor, was titled as a response to the Elysium naming. This floor is directly overseen by the Tamer, Bontas, and his monsters. This floor has three sections to it: The Working Fields (a desert), an area where inmates are put to work cleaning and producing things like paper, the Cells (a cold area), an area where the inmates stay, and the Lines (humid), a place where inmates without a cell, or food, simply line up forever, to hopefully be judged and move up to Elysium. The Cells and the Lines are made of dark gray stone brick, with large pillars holding up the high celling. Massive cages are build into the massive walls, with several tiers in the Cells. The Cells is directly above the Freezing Plains. The Lines have no cages, but have grooves across the floor that a ball and chain can be placed into. This allows for inmates to stand, sit, or lay down, while waiting, and are out of a cell. However, they can hardly move from their spot. The Lines are directly above the Jungle Execution Site. The Working Fields are a sandy area with thousands of inmates scattered across. They are overseen by guards that bring them an almost infinite amount of laundry, unworked paper, dishes, and other things like that. Each sandy area is a small pit, surrounded by stone brick walls that the guards walk along. The Working Fields are directly above the Burning Price.
  • "Tartarus", the flour floor, was also titled this as a response to Elysium's name. This floor is directly overseen by the "Furies". The floor is made for the worst people, with three sections to it: The Burning Price, a forge that inmates are forced to make weapons in, The Freezing Plains, an frozen wasteland that inmates are forced to sleep in, and the Jungle Execution Site, a jungle where inmates are thrown into, and often times not seen again. The Freezing Plains are a large empty plain of cages, snow, and ice. This is where inmates are forced to sleep, after working for days straight. This area is considered the third worst punishment in the prison. The Burning Price is a large super heated area filled with large "pots" that molten metal is moved into by inmates. Below those "pots" are molds where inmates make weapons, and other metal instruments. This is considered the second worst punishment in the prison. Lastly, the Jungle Execution Site is a massive jungle, filled with flora and fauna, that borders both the other areas on this floor. The hot and cold fronts force a humid rainy area between them. This area is where the worst inmates are sent, such as those who have gotten the death penalty. No one who has gone here as ever returned.
  • Connecting all of these floors are a series of tunnels of unknown origin. They are called the "Rivers". The guards do not know these tunnels exist. They are currently occupied by a group that calls themselves the "Sinners". The Sinners are individuals that have broke out of their cells or chains, but can't escape out of the prison itself. These tunnels were obviously dug out by something, but seem quite old. There are rooms carved out in the walls, along with a connected group that seems almost like a town. There is Poneglyph writing here describing a man called "The Ferry-Man" who created these tunnels, to go against the prison's creators. The writing speaks about the Ferryman like a God, but states that even at the time of writing this, no one has ever seen him.
  • Not connected by the "Rivers" is the last and secret area of the Undercell, The Stygian Graveyard. If you find yourself here, consider yourself forgotten, and lost to time. The only people who have made their way out of this last floor are those approaching execution. This is where Terruta is being held. The Stygian Graveyard is dark green and gray in color, made of massive old stone brick that seems to not show its age. Cages here are stacked on top of each other, some tipping over, and some from the floor to the more than five hundred foot ceiling. Distant screams can be heard here.
Military, Base
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