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Adventure Summary Session 11

General Summary

An enlarged Tharuzall, with an augmented Bulls Strength, bravely battled the undead hill giant raised through evil necromancy to attack anyone trying to enter the Scarnetti Mausoleum. At the same time on the other side of the mausoleum, an entangled undead hill giant was battling an enraged Gorin, who was shouting obscenities as his dwarven war axe chopped pieces of flesh and bones from it. As the rest of the heroes were about to engage, Pandereos who was high in a tree getting ready to fire his crossbow, noticed a ghostly spectral hand trying to touch him. Luckily, Pandereos easily dodged the spectral hand and continued to fire at the undead hill giant. A man of action, Mordecai systematically brewed his bombs and tossed fiery death at the same undead hill giant as Gorin sliced pieces of bone and flesh from his necromantic raised skeletal form.
  Unfortunately, before the rest of the heroes could assist, zombies were crawling out of the ground near the Kaijitsu sarcophagi and starting to march towards Saban, Shialu, Noffer, Visuma, and Kek. To make matters worse, the undead evil necromancer, Cae Hoe Kaijitsu, was hiding behind grave stones tossing spells of pain out at the heroes. Visuma, taking a deep breath, ordered her faithful companion Kek, to charge and distract the necromancer. Kek, bounding through zombies, taking heavy damage, eventually engaged the necromancer. Visuma, stepping back from combat, spoke some magical incantations, and her staff began to glow with divine fury. Noffer, stepped forward and called upon Sarenrae to channel positive energy inflicting pain upon any undead near his location, while casting see undead to help the heroes find anymore lurking in the cemetery. This distraction allowed Saban to collect himself and brandish his holy symbol invoking Irori , which sent the two approaching zombies running away in fear. Shialu, surveying the situation, sent her friend Sid, to help distract the necromancer. Shialu then started throwing arcane energies at the zombies and necromancer.
  The undead hill giants eventually fell, but definitely inflicted wounds on Tharuzall and Gorin. Pandereos surveyed the situation, and started climbing down from the tree, tumbling around zombies with grace, but unfortunately not missed by all the zombies, was within feet of the necromancer before being stopped by a Hold Person spell. The battle started to look grim as all the heroes were engaged, and a single zombie methodically stabbed a helpless Pandereos. Fortunately, Mordecai, Saban, Naffer, and Shialu were able to assist Kek to kill the remaining zombie and necromancer. The win did cost Kek, who was bleeding out.
  As the heroes started to take a breath and smell victory, the raised Antoinette Valdemar, used her caressing song to charm the heroes into coming to her and worshipping. As her sweet voice captured the hero’s full attention, Pandereos, who probably used images of Shayliss Vindor , wasn’t affected. Visuma, worried about her fallen Kek, shook of the charm too. All the rest of our heroes; Mordecai, Tharuzall, Saban, Naffer, Shialu, and Gorin walked defenseless toward the song. The Karnnathi skeletons began slicing into each one as they walked under Antoinette’s spell. Tharuzall, already wounded, dropped bleeding from the attacks. Luckily, Visuma rushed forward and threw silence dust on Antoinette, effectively breaking the charm. Shialu, quickly thinking, threw a tanglefoot bag that trapped Antoinette within the silence dust radius. All the heroes, except Gorin who was still entangled, launched a massive attack on Antoinette. The final death blow was delivered by Pandereos, who skewered her straight threw. Pandereos promptly picked up her magical rapier. At the same time, the zombies frightened away by Saban earlier began to return. Saban ended the threat by incinerating the zombies with the last bead from the necklace of fireballs. The heroes quickly consumed any potions to try and heal themselves, plus Visuma used most of the charges from the cure light wounds wand.
  The heroes were still unfortunately hurt, spells exhausted, and weary from an 18-hour long battle in the cemetery. It was decided to barricade the entire group inside the Deverin mausoleum to try and regain some health, spells, and remove exhaustion. The gamble worked as the heroes heard eerie sounds, but weren’t attacked during the rest. As Visuma, Naffer, Saban, and Shialu prepared new spells for the crypt, Mordecai and Pandereos held the rings to open the Scarnetti mausoleum entrance. Spoils were distributed, and now comes the conclusion to why Tsuto Kaijitsu and the goblins came to the cemetery!

Rewards Granted

Cae Hoe Kaijitsu

  • Spellbook bound in basilisk skin (305 gp), with the mark of the wizard runelord Karzoug - claimed by Shialu
    1. Level 1: Burning Hands, Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, True Strike
    2. Level 2: Blindness/Deafness, Ghoul Touch, Levitate, Scare, Scorching Ray, Spectral Hand
  • Potion of Cure Light Woulds used by Shialu

  • Thin, rough twine is wrapped around this wand, marring the smoothness of its shaft. Its length subtly undulates as though warped by dampness, giving the appearance of thin rope frozen in the act of shifting in a gentle breeze: Wand of (Hold Person (3) charges)- claimed by Saban
  • This foot‐long blade has a jewelled hilt. The blade is of shining silver, and the symbol of a bear's claw is engraved on the guard (MW Silver Dagger) - claimed by Pandereos
  • For each party member: 43 gp, 4sp, 5cp

Brute JuJu Zombies

  • Bearskin hide armour, with the head still attached and acting as a helm. (MW Hide Armor (3)) - Sell for 232 gp and 5 sp
  • Thick oak club studded with bronze knobs; its handle is wrapped in worg hide. (MW Greatclub (3)) - Sell for 457 gp and 5 sp

Antoinette Valdemar

  • Pair of blue silk gloves, with a bull’s head embroidered on the back of each. (Gloves of Personal Purity) - claimed by Visuma
  • Inlaid rose gold runes spiral up the blade of this rapier in a fiery dance. Four small rubies decorate its bronze pommel. (+1 Rapier) claimed by Pandereos

Karranthi Zombies

  • MW Breastplate (3) - Sell for 350 gp - one set claimed by Saban

Character(s) interacted with

Related Reports

This is a continuation of the cemetery encounter found


There are still gems in the Handy Haversack not sold:
Boar Hunt
  • milky quartz
  • unworked rose quartz
  • unworked chrysoberyl
  • sard
  • unworked tigereye
Cemetery - Old Cathedral Ruins & Vosk Residence
  • jasper
  • unworked rock crystal quartz
  • ivory
  • unworked tourmaline
  • unworked lapis lazuli
  • unworked alabaster
  • green spinel
  • tigereye
Deverin Mausoleum Chest
  • Stone of weight - carried by Pandereos
Report Date
21 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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