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Adventure Summary Session 13

General Summary

A weary band of unnamed heroes slowly emerged from the Scarnetti mausoleum. The battles were intense, but a note of accomplishment at solving the riddle of the cemetery incursion was completed. Saban, Mordecai, and Naffer Vosk all awaited outside protecting escape if it had been warranted. Without too much conversation, the heroes followed Saban back on the old stone paved path out of the valley of the cemetery. The path presented no problems, except for a distraught Naffer when he saw his decimated shack by the old burnt cathedral. Saban pulled out the talisman and activated it when the heroes reached the barrier. There was a slight shimmer as an opening appeared for the heroes to walk through into the makeshift tent.   The tent was quite a bit different from when the heroes entered the last time. There were only a few remaining cots with towns guardsmen using it to sleep, rather than be tended for wounds. Most of those wounded had either recovered or most likely been moved into the cathedral for additional treatment. An anxious Belor Hemlock approached the heroes asking for news of what happened inside. As Pandereos, Gorin, and Saban slowly explained the situation, it was apparent to see the stress leave his face. There was sadness also apparent because no towns guard were left alive in the cemetery. Belor didn’t seem to have answer for why the mausoleum was raided, but Visuma and Shialu noticed a grimace on Abstalar Zantus during the exchange. Sheriff below ordered the barrier to be dispelled and his town guard to spread word throughout Sandpoint that everyone was now safe. Once the guard were dispatched, sheriff Belor related the additional information he and his men learned from the remaining incarcerated goblins.   Shialu, Vismua, and Tharazull moved back towards Father Zantus to press for more information about the incursion. With a deep sense of regret, Father Zantus related the story . This entire ordeal had brought buried emotions back into his life. He quickly recovered and seemed to be just as perplexed on why his father’s bones were taken from the mausoleum. He had his remaining acolytes heal the wounds the party had suffered, while escorting a shaken Naffer Vosk towards the cathedral to be treated.
The heroes all agreed it was time to toast to victory at the Rusty Dragon Inn. Sheriff Belor indicated Mayor Kendra Deverin had extended the free room and board at the Rusty Dragon Inn indefinitely. As the heroes wandered into the square in front of the cathedral, the statues portraying the heroes were close to being completed. Townsfolk cheered the weary heroes as they made there way back to the Rusty Dragon Inn. The main room of the inn was a desolate place because the events in the cemetery had taken a toll on the towns people. Bethana Corwin was serving the few patrons, but smiled and quickly provided hot mutton and lots of mead to our heroes. With tankards raised in celebration throughout the evening, our heroes slowly crawled and staggered to the upstairs rooms. The oddity of no Ameiko Kaijitsu present for the third consecutive evening was noted by all.   The next day all the heroes seemed to have scattered to attend to outstanding tasks or errands that had been delayed because of the summoning to the cemetery. As the heroes started arriving back at the Rusty Dragon Inn, they saw a crying and hysterical Bethana being consoled by Saban. Once Saban had calmed and helped Bethana to her room, he called all his fellow heroes to discuss the Tsuto Note to Ameiko and news Bethana delivered. The heroes all took time to digest and trade information before starting to formulate a plan. One thing was certain, the note smelled of a trap. It was decided to complete the following before visiting the Glassworks:  
Visuma located a small boy playing in town and gave him a silver piece to run a note to the Valdemar estate. The silver energized the youth to run towards the manor, which unfortunately was outside of town and would take some time to receive a response. Pandereos was excited he would finally be able to wear his new noble’s outfit to a dinner. The next part of the plan initiated some conversation on who would go to which place, but in the end the heroes followed the golden rule of not splitting the party. The heroes headed to the north gate to the Wayward Way shop of Veznutt Parooh.   It was early evening when they arrived, but the door was still open with a light inside signaling it was open. They all entered the shop to find scrolls and maps lined all over the walls, with shelves full of parchments. There was a colorful gnome sitting behind a desk scribbling on some paper deep in thought. Tharuzall and Gorin stepped forward and asked if Veznutt might have any maps of early Sandpoint. Veznutt wasn’t too inspired for conversation until coin was produced. Veznutt sprang into action and erratically started tossing papers and scrolls from different parts of the shop. The heroes were given a map and notes about tunnels under Sandpoint. Veznutt indicated he had never seen the tunnels, but was sure they must have collapsed by now after all these years. With a clue in hand, the heroes left for Brodert Quink’s house.   The heroes approached Brodert’s house to lights being on inside and the smell of fish coming from within. Shialu took the lead and knocked on the door. The strange old man cracked opened the door and looked over the entire party before indicating it was late in the night and he was trying to eat supper. Brodert suggested they come back tomorrow morning when it wasn’t so late. After some persuading by Shialu, he stepped outside on the porch and closed the door. The heroes began asking if he knew anything about tunnels under Sandpoint. Brodert cleared his throat and indicated tunnels were indeed under Sandpoint. The tunnels were used by Cao Hoe Kaijitsu for his smuggling operation controlled by the Scarnzi Syndicate. The Scarnetti’s and Kaijitsu were both corrupt families in his opinion. This did change when Cao Hoe died and his son Longjiku (Ameiko Kaijitsu and Tsuto Kaijitsu father) took over the business. Longjiku was an honorable man and promptly collapsed all tunnels and stopped the illicit activity from occurring in the Glassworks.   Brodert took a deep breath before continuing the story to indicate those tunnels were originally part of ancient Thassilon Empire, where a garrison complex once existed. Excitement sparkled in his eyes and was very enthusiastic to have the entire party come back to his house the next day. Brodert had much more information he believed they would be interested to learn. With looks of panic, the entire party courteously declined, sensing an entire day lecture would happen of crazy stories of a lost civilization. Visuma steered the conversation on what he might provide them tonight. Brodert indicated he takes midnight walks on the beach where he believes the tunnel entrances must be located by the Glassworks and the ruined battle tower (or old light house as the town calls it). Lately, Brodert had noticed a few small ships entering the harbor under the cover of darkness. The heroes sensed an impasse, so decided to leave and possibly return after reconnoitering the Glassworks on the edge of Sandpoint near the entrance to the harbor.  
As the heroes approached the Glassworks, the two gigantic kilns could be seen producing smoke from inside. The Glassworks was one of the oldest building in Sandpoint, being built at the same time as the old Cathedral when Sandpoint was originally settled. The stone masonry had worn over the 200 years since being built, but it still stood a good 60 feet in height with windows near the top along the walls. A shop entrance was on the west side where the street ran along down towards the dock yards. Alleys ran along the north and east sides, with the east alleyway wide enough to allow wagons into the courtyard that was now closed by the enormous wooden doors. The back of the Glassworks sat at the cliffs with the harbor entrance below. Once they stood in front of the entrance, discussion began on the best plan to assess what might be happening. Occasionally, towns people wandered by on their way home from work or to a meal at one of the many inns. It was decided to explore the alleys on each side, while Shialu would send Sid to scout the cliffside for activity.   When the heroes had circled toward the back of the Glassworks, Pandereos thought he heard singing and giggling coming from inside. While the heroes were discussing what might be their next step, Pandereos pulled out a grappling hook and started to climb up the backside of the Glassworks. When he reached the window, a good 40’ up the wall, he discovered a ghastly sight. Inside, he saw what was left of the workers, pieces of body parts being eaten and thrown by giggling goblins. Signaling to the heroes below, he continued to climb to the roof for a better angle. Once over the roof, he spotted a few vents located at different points on the roof of the Glassworks. Shailu and Mordecai decided to climb after Pandereos, while the rest of the heroes decided to seek entrance to the courtyard. Pandereos used his new vantage point to see quite a large number of goblins singing, dancing, and eating workers bones dancing around a glass encased with Kaijitsu. There were warchanter’s enticing the goblins on a makeshift platform 40’ above them. At the far end, another set of goblins were dancing around a similar makeshift platform just as high off the ground.   Gorin, Tharuzall, Visuma, and Saban pushed open the courtyard entrance to see over turned wagons and dead horses littering the area. Gorin started to rush in before Visuma stopped him and cast a spell. Visuma used her druidic talents to locate two large pit traps covered with grass and sticks. With thanks, Gorin lead the way around the traps to the warehouse entrance. Just about the same time, Pandereos had made his way to the far side to listen and see what was happening near the encased Kaijitsu while Shialu and Mordecai surveyed the situation from Pandereos originally vantage point.   Pandereos heard a man’s voice “Ameiko, you should have joined me. You of all people know that father killed our mother. This town has to burn for their crimes and our pain. My love will soon help us have our revenge, or my revenge since you chose to reject me and protect this corrupt town! Heckle and Jeckle, come with me. Poog, let’s make another monument to place alongside my loving father.” As Pandereos looked up, he could see three goblins near the roof on boxes, operating a make shift machine, that was lowering an unconscious Ameiko, inside an iron cage into a vat of molten glass. With panic in his eyes, Pandereos started signaling to his fellow heroes they needed to act quickly.   Shialu took immediate action and cast sleep on the two goblin guards at the door entrance to the courtyard, which would allow our heroes entrance without an alarm being raised. Gorin started to push the door open, but Tharuzall caught his arm to point out a trip wire. Tharuzall quickly used his trapmaking skillset to disable the trap and open the door. Mordecai sensed he could provide better support down near Pandereos, but tripped on loose stones while moving towards the far entrance. Unfortunately, the warchanter goblins heard the noise and the battle alarm was raised. Shialu started hurling spells at visible goblins from her vantage point. Pandereos deftly opened the roof vat to allow Mordecai and himself to drop inside. Saban buffed our heroes with Bless and touched Gorin granting him enhanced strength. Tharuzall became enlarged and rushed towards the nearest goblins to annihilate them. Visuma cast a fiery ball at the warchanter goblins to produce maximum damage to those hurt by Shialu’s arcane barrage.   At the far end, Mordecai launched his fiery bombs at the goblins located directly across from them. The bombs caused severe damage and they were all on fire. Pandereos decided to go all in and leaped across a height of 30’ to the platform where the goblins were located. As he was in the air, the lead goblin, an alchemist like Mordecai, threw his on concoctions back at the heroes. The bomb scored a critical hit on Mordecai, but Pandereos had already left and didn’t take damage. The lead goblin Poog, decided to start throwing spells at the heroes. Saban and Visuma resisted his incarnations, but unfortunately Tharuzall and Pandereos were susceptible. Tharuzall was frozen into place unable to move and defend himself, while Pandereos was driven by fear and leaped off the platform falling hard to the ground below. Gorin, with his huge heart, rushed ahead to stop the cage from falling into the molten glass. A hidden goblin calling herself Chiffy, leaped out and started attacking Gorin to prevent any type of rescue.   As the battle raged on between our three parties, Ameiko’s cage was getting lower to the molten glass. Mordecai’s original bombs burned two of the goblins to death quickly, while the mad bomber goblin tossed bombs wildly before being consumed by Mordecai’s fire. The warchanter’s were unable to withstand the fiery globe controlled by Visuma and the magic missiles launched by Shialu. Visuma, Saban, Gorin, and Kek battled Chiffy and the giggling goblins. The battle for Ameiko’s life looked bleak, as Visuma sent the last of her fiery globe at Poog. Poog withstood the Visuma’s fire as Mordecai launched additional bombs that connected with Poog and his two comrades lowering the cage. Poog laughed at their attempts, but was not prepared for Sid to swoop in from know where to deliver an electrical charge that caused Poog to drop dead on the platform. When Poog dropped, all resistance faltered, which allowed the heroes to vanquish the remaining goblins and Tharuzall to catch the cage above the vat of molten glass. And that is where we ended …..  

Rewards Granted

The treasure still needs to be discovered and assigned.

Missions/Quests Completed

The players received the Tsuto Note to Ameiko from Bethana Corwin
Report Date
01 Feb 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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