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Adventure Summary Session 2

General Summary

As the party tried hiding out from the intense storm, which was producing lightning and thunder, it made for a terrible afternoon. Shialu and Visuma retreated to a tent to wait out the down pour. Saban and Pandereos retreated to the other tent, exchanging stories as the rain continued to come down in sheets. Ragnor, Tharuzall, and Gorin all decided to keep watch over the horses and wagons, while becoming drenched. Ragnor found a tree to climb into and take a perch and lookout. Gorin took up point on rocks near the river to the south. Tharuzall took up a position on the far side of the wagons.
Sometime during the storm, it was noticed by Ragnor and Gorin that Tharuzall was missing. Unfortunately, with the torrential downpour, tracking where he went was impossible. It was decided nothing could be done until the storm ended. For next couple of hours, the party was in a wait it out position. When the clouds decided to part, a curious thing happened, out of the love shack appeared Paul, who began to light a fire and pull out food for their supper. The noise and smells of delicious food roused those in the tents and soon the entire party was surrounding the little camp fire to hear Paul discuss how he was ashamed of running away. Paul used the power of prayer, to Desna the Dawnflower, to give him courage and remove his shame. He apologized to the entire party and promised he would never run away again. He plans to confess his shame to Abstalar Zantus, who runs the cathedral of Sandpoint. He indicated Father Zantus was a righteous man, and was tolerant of most religions. The party discussed what might have happened to Tharuzall, if he wandered off, or something happened. Saban seemed to think he ran away since nobody can trust an Orc. There were mixed feelings throughout the group, but a decision was reached to decide what to do in the morning. Many in the party turned in for the night, but Pandereos, Gorin, and Ragnor took watch to allow their arcane and divine casters the time to get rest.
After midnight, a disturbance set the tone for the evening. Gorin, using his dark vision and wits, perceived two wolves sneaking into camp to have a late-night feast on the horses. With the alarm raised, a battle ensued. Pandereos found himself in a fight for his life as a wolf gnawed on his arm, Gorin engaged the other wolf, even as he became overzealous and through away his might urgosh. Paul leaped out of the wagon and confronted a third wolf unseen to anyone. The battle was fierce and bloody for all involved. Paul, with a new found faith, cleaved the head off a wolf, Visuma sliced a wolf directly down the middle, and those seeing the wolf enjoy clinging to Pandereos, were surprised as arrows and bolts came raining down from the darkness and trees on the ridge. Pandereos, filled with adrenaline, bravely stormed the hill, as Shialu hurled magical energy at the attackers. Not to be out done, Ragnor continued to rain arrows down on the wolves and attackers. It wasn’t long until the adversaries on the ridge were identified as hobgoblins, calling out that Mother wanted their deaths. Their leader, a spellcaster, trained his gaze on Saban, who shook off the spell, and directed his healing energies to his comrades. In the end, the party persevered to a victory.
The hobgoblins were searched, spoils found and distributed, and victory savored. Before leaving the ridge, a wooden door, built into the cave, was located. According to Pandereos, the door wasn’t trapped. However, before things could go south, the party convinced Pandereos to check his curiosity until the morning when the party had rested. Fortunately, no more encounters happened during the night. Morning dawned, Paul cooked breakfast, the arcane and divine casters prepared spells, and a decision will be made of who will go into the cave, and who will stay with the wagons and horses. As folks assemble for a plan, Shialu breaks off from the group, sits off in the corner, makes gestures with her hands, speaks unintelligible words while looking at the black rod found in Paul’s Swagger Wagon. Shialu gets up and approaches the group indicated she has identified the magical properties of this rod. The rod was made during the ancient empire of Thassilon, over 2,000 years ago. This rod allows divine spell casters the ability to converse to other spell casters over long distances.

Rewards Granted

Composite Longbow (STR +2) - Ragnor
Masterwork Studded Leather - Ragnor
War hammer
Healers Kit - Saban
Light Crossbow - Pandereos
Masterwork Leather Armor - Pandereos
Signal Horn
Pouch (10 sp)
Potion Cure Light Wounds - Pandereos

Missions/Quests Completed

Destroyed Voratalo idol and Holy Symbol of Lamashtu

Related Reports

This continued the initial session found in Adventure Summary Session 1.


Tharuzall went missing during this adventure.
Report Date
06 Jun 2019
Primary Location

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