Arabella Gulthum

Lady Arabella Jannith Gulthim

Daughter of Jarwin Gulthum, younger brother to the King Ulrich Gulthum, Arabella Gulthum was raised in the courts of Kortarra. After her mother had passed due to illness when Arabella was only two years old and her father was slain in a drunken duel with another nobleman only a few years later, the guardianship of young Arabella fell to her uncle, the king. However, Ulrich Gulthum had no interest or love for the girl, choosing instead to pass off her raising to various nannies and court staff who had essentially been instructed to give the girl whatever she wanted as long as she stayed out of sight and mind.   As such, Arabella has grown selfish and entitled. A child of privilege with no boundaries or restrictions, with the only "father-figure" in her life being a vile, lecherous, tyrant of a king, Arabella has grown to become a bit of a narcissist and a sadist, enjoying to hold her privilege over others and using it to subtly torment others simply for her enjoyment.   Once her uncle was slain by the assassins blade, and the royal courts fell to chaos, nearly all of the few living relatives of the Gulthum line were killed in the infighting that followed. Arabella was not exempt from this, and two separate attempts were made on her life that would have been successful if not for the small but fanatically loyal group of nobles and aristocracy that flocked to her immediately following her uncles death. This group of nobles have made it their sole focus to keep Arabella alive and to place her on her uncle's throne. A throne, she is clearly not deserving of...
Year of Birth
645 A.o.K. 14 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation