The Kingdom of Kortarra

The Kingdom of Kortarra


The Founding of the Kingdom of Kortarra

  The lands of Valdaria to the north were fairly isolated from the events of the Draconic wars and had remained that way for just over three hundred years. These lands had been ruled by the Great White Dragon Valadihr, who had absolute dominion over these lands despite the fall of many of his kin around the world of Grae. Though pockets of zealous loyalists existed within the territory of Valadihr, most of the sparse population within these lands lived life oppressed by the rule of the Great Dragon and his Wyrmlings.   Sporadically across the years after the Draconic Wars, a number of uprisings, invasions and hunts have been attempted to uproot Valadihr, though none had been successful due to the relative isolation of Valdaria and the Great Dragon's impenetrable fortress-like den within the frigid peaks of the Albus Mountains. That is, until a young man, native to the lands of Valdaria decided to stand up to the oppression of the dragon's rule.   Falthir Kortis took up arms at the age of 19 to oppose the Great White Dragon Valadihr along his loyal Zealots and Wyrmlings after the tragic destruction of his village and loss of his family. With his task set before him, he inspired other native to this land to rise up as well, resisting the will of Valadihr and beginning what would eventually come to be known as 'The Winter Rebellion'. While initially successful, the crushing might of Valadihr descended on the rebels with chilling fury and icy rage and The Winter Rebellion was almost stomped out just like the countless efforts before them.   It was at this time that Kortis, the now leader of this rebellion left the lands of Valdaria seeking out foreign aid for their cause, which he eventually found within The Divine Kingdom of Ulthiem. Armed with new weaponry and supplies for his people, Falthir returned to Valdaria with a small army of trained allies and a fleet of Ulthiem warships, where they were well met by the fractured remains of the Winter Rebellion.   Now the tables were turned, and the hunt for the Great White Dragon had begun.   After a great many victories against the Zealots and the Wrymlings, spread across the next year and a half, Kortis and his now elite group of Dragon Hunters eventually pushed their way up into the Albus Mountains to seek out the lair of Valadihr. The battle was fierce and many of the hunters died in the process, but at the end of that fateful day Valadihr lay dead. And at the cost of his left arm, Kortis stood victorious. Beaten, bloodied and forever maimed by his foe, but victorious nonetheless.   With the tyrant who had oppressed their lands for centuries now dead, the peoples of the lands of Valdaria rejoiced. But the work of their hero, Falthir Kortis was not done. Over the two years, Kortis took his battle from the physical to the diplomatic, striving to bring together the various peoples who had been oppressed within the now dead Valadihr's territory, eventually succeeding in uniting the Clans of Valdirhi, officially beginning the life of a new kingdom; The Kingdom of Kortarra, free from Dragon rule at last. Upon his ascension to the throne, Falthir Kortis was gifted two relics of notable power and kingly value by his advisor Harim Goldbeard, the Dwarven Arch-mage of legend. The first being a sword, Val'Ensis to signify his triumph in battle against the Dragon Valadihr. The second relic being a crown, Val'Ragnum to signify his rule over the people. Both of these items were made out of the bone and scales of Valadihr himself.  

The shift in power

Demography and Population

"Real World" Inspiration: Medieval Europe/Classic Fantasy

Magical Tolerance


-Moderate, Arcane Unifica Oversight-

Founding Date
312, Age of Kingdoms
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
"The Kingdom of Rebels"
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Official Languages
Related Items
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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