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Adventurers for Hire Report

General Summary

Our adventurers decided to sit back and take it easy, playing a few games of knucklebones after their hard week of work. Halfway into their second game, they were interrupted by a man with long white hair, well dressed in a red doublet. He introduced himself politely as Norrel, a servant of a man named Lord Wainwright, who owned an estate just outside of the city walls. He told each of the adventurers that he would offer them 25 orbs to show up and hear an offer from his lord. After some debate about the shadiness of the deal, they agreed to meet him at his manor at 12 o'clock, and took the gold. The next morning, Dreamstroke went to the orphanage in the Artisan's Quarter and selected his child for the week. He took him to the market and let him buy a few things for himself, but had an unfortunate run-in with an exceptionally large merchant, who gave the kid an unfair price for a "treasure map". Afterwards, once the other's woke up, they immediately set search to find where Dreamstroke had gone, Kaizzt even going so far as to sneak into his room for clues. When Dreamstroke returned, he noticed that someone had been in his room, to which Kaizzt immediately confessed to. This led to a bit of an argument, which nearly led to a tussle between the two. Thankfully this was interrupted by Norrel's arrival. He then took the adventurers to meet Lord Wainwright; a thin man nearly in his seventies, with white hair and a blue and brown garb. He told the party that goblins had been raiding his fields and had been coming from the direction of the Mistmarsh, and that he would give them one-hundred orbs each if they brought him back twenty goblin ears. They agreed and were met by a man named Fredrick, the captain of Lord Wainwright's personal guard, who would take them to the area the next day.

Rewards Granted

25 gp

Missions/Quests Completed

Goblins of the Marsh: Given
Adventures in Greyhawk
Martin Arraway
Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP
Kaizzt Kalamir
Report Date
07 Jul 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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