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An Offer From a Dwarf Report

General Summary

While most of our adventurers split up to worry about their own business, Kaizzt and Sylvan stayed at the Green Dragon, playing games of chess for fun. As they were sweeping up their pieces from Sylvan's close victory, they were approached by a stout dwarf, with a frizzy brown beard and a black silk cloak. He introduced himself as Darnolun Ironbite. He had heard of their minor exploits in the Cairn Hills and offered them a deal, by showing them a broken sword hilt with the dwarvish "D" rune inscribed on its pommel. He stated that it was forged by his uncle, Durgeddin, a master smith that owned a dwarvish hold in the Pomarj. When the hateful wars started, his fortress was destroyed, but he built another in secret, called Khundrukar, in the Drachensgrab hills. Eventually, this too was discovered, plundered, and fell out of knowledge. However it was rumored that its deepest vaults were never plundered by the orcs and that they still may hold some of his greatest weapons and treasures. He hopes that the fortress is near where the blade was found, in a mining town named Blasingdell. If they agreed to take up his offer, he would pay them one-hundred gold coins for travel expenses, and pay them a fortune for recovering any of Durgeddin's lost blades, whatever else they found in the depths of Khundrukar would be theirs for the taking. The two told him they would think about it after he had plotted out a sea route for them. They discussed the deal between themselves, though Sylvan was very keen on taking up this mission, as he had plans to build a bar in the Thieves' Quarter. The two agreed that this would be well worth it and agreed to the deal once Darnolun returned from the Cartographer's Guild. The two took a few days to finish their business in town. Kaizzt went to visit Febblekin and the other kobolds and discovered that the town guard was overseeing the construction of a well in the place of the sewer grate. He was at first worried, if not enraged that the town guard had done something to the kobolds, but was quickly assured by the guard captain, Tyril Tylander, that no harm had come to them. Instead, a nearby tribe that was causing trouble for miners was secretly invited to help maintain the sewers along with the other kobolds in exchange for a variety of supplies and safety. Though Kaizzt wanted them integrated with society, Febblekin calmed him by saying that this is what he wanted, and was content with the outcome of his efforts. Kaizzt, calmed, but not quite understanding Febblekin's point of view, bid him farewell, but not before Febblekin gifted him a skin of mushroom wine, with a less than appealing taste. Sylvan took his time cleaning up the foundation of the building he bought as well as the basement, which were both covered in old rotting wood and grime. As he was finishing with his work for the day, he was stopped by a young warehouse worker named Harold, asking about the place. Sylvan told him that he would be turning it into a bar. Interested, the young man said he'd be willing to drop his current job and work for Sylvan when it was built and would spread the word around about it. Sylvan agreed and left exited that his project was already starting to bear fruit. The next day Sylvan showed Kaizzt the plot of land that he had put some of his money towards, and was a bit disappointed at its current state, despite this, he helped him finish cleaning it up. They then headed to the college of magical arts to have their magical items identified and then took the rest of the day to rest, as tomorrow would be for preparing for their long trip.

Rewards Granted

500 gp

Missions/Quests Completed

The Forge of Fury: given!

Character(s) interacted with

Kaizzt: Met with Febblekin and talked to Tyril Tylander. // Sylvan: Talked to a warehouse worker named Harold about his bar.
Adventures in Greyhawk
Martin Arraway
Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP
Kaizzt Kalamir
Report Date
29 Jul 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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