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To Hardby! Report

General Summary

After a day of preparations, the four set off, without Sven, as he had left town without a word. They traveled south along the river road, stopping at two small towns along the way: One Ford and Two Ford. On the sixth day of their trip, they arrived at Hardby and went to the Siren's Call, where they met Darnolun, as well as a new member of their party, Naelen. He was a firbolg and was very tall, towering over seven feet. He carried weapons and armor in addition to a shield with the symbol of the god Procan on it. After introductions were made, Darnolun told the party that they would need to secure passage to Longbridge, a city far south, located in the Free State of Onnwal and that he would return home to the Principality of Ulek through a different route. With that, he packed his things and left the party to their own devices. While four wanted to stay in the Siren's Call, Sylvan wanted to reminisce about his old home, but right out the door he was grabbed by a man cloaked in black, who turned out to be his old friend, nicknamed Snatch. The two wandered town a bit, talking about what they had been up to ever since Sylvan left town. They visited One Man's Treasure, owned by Old Man Jenkins, a shop owner that Sylvan gave a hard time in his youth, and Randal's Jewelry, who's owner hated him for sneaking out with his daughter Lydia on occasion. After Sylvan returned to the company, Naelen secured free passage with a captain named Marland O'Donnell, and bought what other things they might need, such as a sword for Kaizzt and a new suit of armor for Martin. Sylvan and Dream visited a local dwarf herbalist and bought some basic healing potions. Dream, however, insisting to Sylvan that they had paid too much for the potions, decided that they should rob the store that night. Sylvan agreed, thinking it would be a spot of fun. After inspecting the surrounding area, the two camped the place until the sun set. They broke in with ease and sneaked up to the second level of the store, where Dream found the dwarf writing a letter and held a dagger to her neck. He managed to grab 300 gp, but not before the dwarf retaliated with a poisoned dagger. Dream and Sylvan then booked it, evading a guard patrol nearby. The next morning they set off into the Woolly Bay and onto the Azure Sea, however, a week into the trip, Dream decided to murder the captain in hopes to take over the ship, he did so with a vial of acid that he poured into one of his drinks. With a bit of luck, the crew did not suspect the party of the attempt and figured it was the captain's stupidity. The crew decided to have a meeting about what to do, and the first mate suggested that they sell the boat for half price and split it among themselves. A few of the party members offered to buy it from them after they had finished their journey. The first mate found this agreeable, assuming they returned within three months. The party and the crew continued their journey after this, sailing the rest of the way to Longbridge, the first stop on their journey on the Azure Sea.

Rewards Granted


Character(s) interacted with

The Party: Met Naelen // Sylvan: Talked to Snatch and Lydia about what he had been up to // Naelen: Convinced Marland to carry them to Longbridge in exchange for working on the ship
Adventures in Greyhawk
Martin Arraway
Level 3 Human (Var) N/A Fighter(Eldrich Knight)
24 / 28 HP
Kaizzt Kalamir
Report Date
08 Aug 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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