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SDC - Call of the Void II - Part 1

General Summary

Chapter 1: Downtime


Following the events of the adventure "Event Horizon", the gang returned home to Absalom with Samael (now going by Cyrus Astra) in tow. Over the next few months the gang formed a tentative bond with Cyrus, united in a desire to strike down Archdaemon Thaumiel before Thaumiel is able to fully recover.

During this time a handful of events took place
  • Raziel spent his days experimenting with the small amount of Cosmic Amplifier that remained and was able to concoct a possible cure. As of yet the substance has only been tested in rats, but there is hope it might prove beneficial to the unknown host of Thamumiel's infected kindred
  • Cyrus kept watch over the realm of Abaddon, using a prototype dimensional scope developed by the Arcanamirium. He found that there was little activity from Thaumiel's subjects over the majority of the downtime, but recently observed a surge of activity from Thaumiel's camp.
  • Lilith and Arthur spent their time studying possible implements and weapons which could be used against the Archdaemon. While a number of possibilities were found, only one had enough weight to be considered a viable option, the Cintamani.

  • Also during this time, Lilith gave birth to her second child, Lilin Yunnet Castelle. This event effectively brought any further preparations against Thaumiel to a halt, as the gang took time to help raise the child. During the downtime, Arthur used the Siccatite that was procured for their research and forged it into a weapon to compliment Lilith's intensified thermal magic, calling the weapon "Thermal Tempest."

    Chapter 2 - From the Desk of Victor Valmont


    The adventure began when Lilith was approached by a man named Arwen Ansem at the Arcanamirium library. He commented on the subject of her study, the Cintamani, referencing an expedition organized by Victor Valmont to find the very same item. Lilith, unaware of this mysterious venture, asked Arwen for more information.

    Arwen agreed, and explained that Victor had organized a project known as "The Silk Road" to seek out the divine jewel. He explained further that the group departed for a year and when Victor returned, he returned alone. The public record of events was that Victor's party was seeking ancient treasures of the Razatlani Empire, and that there was a horrible accident which led to the group's untimely demise. Privately, Victor shared with his inner circle the true nature of what they were seeking, and one such member of that inner circle was Arwen's father. When Victor returned, he visited the Ansem household personally to give the news of the elder Ansem's death, as well as his personal effects which were recovered and given to Arwen as a small act of recompense.

    Arwen agreed to hand over what journals he had from his father to assist Lilith's research. With those materials in hand, Lilith shared her findings with the group. The gang, who felt as though something was missing, called upon Artemis Valmont to ask his recollection of events.

    Artemis explained that Victor had in fact organized the Silk Road, though the finer details of the mission were never revealed to him. He mentioned that Victor returned from the journey a "crueler and more bitter man" and that all of the recovered journals and research had been locked away within the mansion at Digger's Rest. The gang, sans Cyrus, organized a trip out to the mansion to retrieve the journals and discovered a tale of horror within Victor's writings.

    Victor detailed a "creature of Rova" within the tomb of the Empire's final Deva (or leader). When the party came upon the creature it attacked and feasted upon his men, while those who were left alive fled from the tomb. In the end, Victor wrote that he alone survived and that, should another come across these writings, they should flee now and never again seek the jewel.

    Despite Victor's warning, the gang decided that with Thaumiel taking action in Abaddon and with the jewel's existence being confirmed, the best option would be to retrace Victor's journey from his writings and face down the Beast of Rova.

    Chapter 3: Into the Unknown


    The gang made their preparations to travel to the land of Arcadia, working with Artemis to arrange transport. During this time, Alfred Bellatrix, of the illustrious Bellatrix family, announced a major research venture to the land of Aracadia as well. In an almost perfect mimicry of the Silk Road, he claimed that he was seeking the treasures and knowledge of the lost empire. This news was distasteful to the gang, and they wondered why the family would engage in this level of one-up-manship.

    Regardless of this rivalry, the gang set sail for Porta Terminus, which is a colony town owned by the Valmont family.

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    Lilith becomes distraught at the idea of being away from her newborn.

    During their travels the gang spent their time together alongside Arwen, who had volunteered his services as a translator and expert of Razatlani culture. Their journey was slightly over a month long, sailing through the shattered continent of Azlant. As the gang was approaching Porta Terminus, they were attacked by Star of Rova cultists, who had concealed themselves among the ship's crew. They managed to fight off their attackers, but a number of sailors died during the battle and the gang was forced to take over the navigation of the final stretch of the journey.

    After much headache and strife, the gang arrived in Porta Terminus where they find themselves now.

    Report Date
    25 Sep 2022

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