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Adventuring Groups

The world has become a dangerous place, but it also remains filled with wonder; and there is no shortage of people seeking to employ those who would seek out either. The land teems with mercenaries and adventurers like yourselves. Some parties are small, just two or three members. Other have grown so successful that they've licensed out their names so that many groups operate under their title. Most adventurers work through the Adventuring Guilds for their contracts, but many also freelance; or have enough reputation on their own for contracts to come directly to them. These groups range wildly in size, scope, composition, skill, and capability. These are but a select few groups which exist in the world.

Richter's Free Company

The Free Company, is an example of a large, multi-party adventuring group. Historically, Richter's Free Company was a band of adventurers who were quite successful across the land. Later in their careers they decided to split the group which had grown in size and wealth. Opting to license out the name "Richter's Free Company", any can now journey to the Free Company headquarters in the Northern Ondari Dominion and request to join. While all the original members of the Free Company are now believed to be gone, many groups of noble adventurers continuing to quest on in their name.   Each group, licensed under the name of the Free Company is free to pursue contracts where they see fit, and are free to join guilds as well. It is expected the the party pay a percentage of their rewards to the Group Hall itself. Those resources then are invested into the Group Hall providing members with access to supplies, training, a place to stay, assistance, and more.   Beliefs The Free Company believe in upholding all that is good and right in the world. Members are expected to adhere to the tenants of the organization and their founders. Those who are found to run afoul of these, or cause ruin to the reputation of the Company are either arrested, expelled, or in the most extreme cases, hunted down.
• Seek to thwart evil, end corruption, and banish darkness,
• Accept only in payment what can truly be afforded by those in need,
• Obey the laws of the land for which you travel,
• But in dire times, act in accordance with what is morally right, justified, and brings honour to the company, even if it may break the laws of the land.  

The Legion of Unconquerable Vanquishing Gnomes

The Legion of Unconquerable Vanquishing Gnomes, also known as LUV-G, is a once both a single large adventuring party, and a guild at the same time. Open only to those of Gnomish, and sometimes Halfling descent in exceptional circumstances; it is a union of Gnomish fighters around the world who seek fortune, fame, and simply to prove that little people can accomplish big things too.   Organized into Local Areas, the Gnomish adventuring parties either conduct contacts offered directly to the Local, or seek contracts through one of their guild associations. They are assured that this arrangement is most certainly legal as they do not count as a guild themselves, so may take individual contracts offered to them or guild one as any adventuring party. Each Local runs a Union Hall where any Gnome, adventuring party member or not, can come enjoy the comforts, and familial relations of Gnomish culture. Proceeds from their adventuring go towards supporting the local hall and Gnomes in need within their region.   Beliefs
  • One Gnome for all, all Gnomes for One
  • Little people can accomplish great things
  • By supporting one another, we are stronger than our sum
  • Old Ironsides

    The Old Ironsides is International Adventuring party which specializes in protection, and has links to House Kundarak in Aranoc . it was originally started by a Dwarven Clan who left their mountain hold to strike fortune above ground, and used their skills of arms and blacksmithing to their advantage. They nearly exclusively take on contracts as body guards, caravan escorts, household guards, etc. The Ironsides maintain a well founded reputation for skill, being tenacious, and never giving ground or fleeing from an assignment. Their fortunes have also seen a strong rise over the past several years as threats on the highways have increased with the creeping darkness. While originally dwarven in origin, they draw and accept any who are skilled in arms, and will honour a contract even it means death. Dragonborn, Goliaths, Orcs and Half-Orcs, and Dwarves make up the largest proportion of their membership. While they call themselves an adventuring company, they are often referred to as a mercenary company as often as they are adventurers.   Beliefs
    • Be proficient with a blade
    • Never give up, never give ground
    • An Oath made, is an Oath kept until we breath no longer
    A Dragonborn from Richter's Free Company
    A LUV-G Gnomish Fighter
    An Orc Fighter employed by the Old Ironsides


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